28 October 2024, Monday, 5:24
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Charter 97!

Washington puzzled why sanctioned against Lukashenka lifted (Photo)


A peaceful rally was held in front of the Belarusian Embassy and lasted for almost 2 hours. Its participants were holding posters with words: “Lukashenka, you cannot imprison Belarus’ future!”, “Honk for democracy in Belarus!”, “Stop the last dictator of Europe!” and streamers with portraits of Yury Zakharanka, Viktar Hanchar, Anatol Krasouski, Zmitser Zavadski and words: “Abducted and assassinated in Belarus”.

Drivers of the cars passing by expressed their support to democratisation in Belarus by honks. Numerous passers-by stopped, asked questions about the situation in Belarus, expressed their perplexity by the fact of lifting visa sanctions against Lukashenka and his entourage by the European Union.

Yesterday Solidarity Day in Washington is jubilee. The first solidarity action with families of the forcibly abducted Belarusians was held in the capital of the US 3 years ago. Since then solidarity actions are held in Washington on a regular basis, and the number of their participants is constantly growing.

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