28 March 2025, Friday, 7:51
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Charter 97!

They release some to vacate premises for others?

Yesterday one of the leaders of the Young Front Artur Finkevich was released. But on the same day a teacher of Minsk school was dismissed for being a member of the United Civil party; a house search was held in the apartment of the Young Front activist in Polatsk, and an activist from Maladechna was summoned the KGB.

Beside Finkevich, five persons were released from the detention center in Akrestsin Street sentenced to an administrative arrest for participation in protest rallies of small businessmen.

Four of them, Artur Pedzko, Vital Kukreshch, Mikola Shautsou and Uladzimir Nyapomnyashchykh, served a 15-days arrest. Pavel Kuryanovich was detained on the Day of Solidarity on January 16 and spent 20 days in the detention street in Akrestsin. At the moment there are no political prisoners in the main political prison in Belarus, Radio Svaboda informs.

At the same time, in the evening a search started in Katsyaryna Salauyova’s room of a student hostel in Polatsk. Katsyaryna run into KGB agents by chance. She came to take her things, as earlier the girl was evicted from Polatsk university.

Alyaksandr Halavach, a teacher of Minsk school No.207 in the microdistrict Malinauka, was dismissed for his political affiliation. Alyaksandr is a member of a youth wing of the United Civil party. The director of the school informed that he does not have a right to work in a school, as his political views are not in keeping with the ideology line of the state.

A Maladechna-based activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Henadz Faryna was summoned for a so-called “conversation” to the KGB. A KGB officer who was called Syarhei Aksyuchyts, asked about activities of the Belarusian Christian Democracy and asked about Paval Sevyarynets and A. Shein.

Meanwhile, expulsions of students who had served sentences for their oppositional activities continued over this week.

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