18 March 2025, Tuesday, 23:27
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US Embassy welcomes release of all political prisoners in Belarus


The US Embassy views release of Syarhei Parsyukevich and Andrei Kim an important event, the press-service of the US diplomatic mission has stated. It is expected that a special statement will be made by the US State Department.

On August 16 State Department Spokesman Sean McCormack welcomed the release of Belarus political opposition figure Alyaksandr Kazulin. It was emphasized in the statement: “We look forward to other positive steps from the Belarusian authorities that could open the possibility of a significant improvement in relations between the United States and Belarus.”

On August 17 in an interview to BelaPAN US Charge d’Affaires a.i. Jonathan Moore said: “Kazulin’s release is a very important step, and we are expecting further positive steps in the next few days or weeks”. “Release of all political prisoners remains very important”, the diplomat underlined.

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