19 March 2025, Wednesday, 1:05
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Alyaksandr Milinkevich: Regime takes less repressive actions


It has been stated by “For Freedom” movement leader in a few hours after brutal disband and arrests during the solidarity rally in Minsk.

On October 19 on air of “Radio Svaboda” Alyaksandr Milinkevich, “For Freedom” movement leader, was asked the following question: “Critics of the current policy of the European Union state that the situation with human rights in Belarus has not improved, but deteriorated over this time, since August-September last year, and possibly even deteriorated. Lukashenka is guzzling away the IMF credits and European money, and he does not think it is necessary to make concessions in the sphere of liberalization. As a result, reinforcement of the dictatorship due to Western money, as opponents of the new European policy and your opponents say. Are they right?

Alyaksandr Milinkevich answered to this question:

“I would not agree to this position. I do not think that Belarus is already a free and democratic country, but there is certain headway in the atmosphere of social and public life. It is controversial, but there are figures. Belarusian human rights activists have calculated that the number of repressed people who addressed them over the 4 month of this year, as compared to the same period of the last year has decreased several times. It does not mean that the regime has become three times less repressive, but it represses less and more carefully. We know such a phenomenon as politically motivated conscription, a political prisoner Dubski has appeared. So I would not say that it has become worse. It has become insignificantly better. But we must fight for the authorities to become obliged to make these steps. I can say firmly that there is less fear now among democratic activists”.

As we have informed, on October 16 a rally of solidarity with political prisoners and disappeared politicians was disbanded in Minsk in October Square. 22 activists of opposition were arrested, the United Civil party leader Anatol Lyabedzka was beaten up till bleeding. Secret services completely blocked the work of journalists: 3-5 riot policemen were encircling journalists, covering lenses of their photo- and cameras, pushed away and even hit journalists.

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