Zmitser Barodka: “The strong hold true to the ideals of free democratic Belarus”
- 1.12.2009, 16:37

Officials come and resign, but Europe and Belarus remain. The country has no alternatives to joining the European Union, the coordinator of the civil campaign “European Belarus” believes.
Zmitser Barodka answered questions of
– The civil campaign “European Belarus” is known for holding actions in support of political prisoners almost every day. Every 16th day of a month the campaign activists gather on October square of Minsk with portraits of prisoners of conscience. This part of your activity is covered by the media. Does the campaign do anything that is not mentioned in independent press and on the internet?
– We conduct a routine work on informing people about advantages of European integration and the privileges Belarus may have as a part of the united Europe. We carry out educational and cultural activity among the campaign volunteers and activists.
I’d like to turn attention to the campaign under the code name “Sign and tie a ribbon”. We call on the people of Belarus to take a more active citizenship. If earlier we offered collected people’s signatures for joining the European Union, which founded wide support among population, now we offer the Belarusians to tie a blue ribbon as a sign of their European choice.
Activists hand round blue ribbons and information leaflets calling on the Belarusians to take active part in the campaign “European Belarus” and demonstrate their choice by visual means.
– Do “European Belarus” activists face repressions during this campaign?
– Yes, they meet repressions. For example, “European Belarus” activist Alesya Yasyuk was detained four times last week. The woman was detained for handing round blue ribbons and guarded to a militia station. The ribbons were seized every time and she was released. Militia cannot explain their actions because handing round blue ribbons doesn’t violate the law. Nevertheless, officers of law enforcement bodies show they fear expression of solidarity of Belarusians, because blue ribbons on sleeves, monuments, fences, banisters, poles, cars appear more and more often. People begin to get rid of fear and demonstrate this to others.
– The Belarusians are now disappointed in the policy of compromise carried out towards dictator Lukashenka by the European Union. Does it has any influence on your believe in European values?
– The policy towards Belarus is conducted by officials. Sometimes it is possible to understand their actions, but some times they surprise, to say the least. Officials come and resign, but Europe and Belarus remain. The country has no alternatives to joining the European Union, so standing for early integration into the EU, we stand for the system of values and principles, fundamental for the united Europe.
– What’s your attitude towards the European Forum, also dubbed MAZ Forum, initiated by Alyaksandr Milinkevich?
– Such forums appear to be an interesting and useful work. But it may be wrong to limit one’s activity by only forums. Alyaksandr Milinkevich used to position himself as a democratic leader. I don’t hide that I laid certain hopes on Milinkevich, I hoped he would become a national leader. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen. Milinkevich reduced his activity to holding different forums, discussion clubs, and statements to support the so called dialogue between Europe and the authorities. Unfortunately, the “For Freedom” movement doesn’t carry out any outreach programmes, does not print materials, does not organize street actions. They do not do anything to change the situation in the country.
What to the dialogue between the EU and authorities, I support it but it must be a dialogue between the opposition and authorities without any agents.
– Can you sum up the year 2009? What did this year mean for the country and for you?
– The outgoing year was rather difficult and controversial. We had to face new problems, difficulties, challenges. But it has pluses, too. This year helped to answer who is who. The weak have broken. The strong hold true to the ideals of free democratic Belarus. Our team has become more closely united that evokes optimism and believe in a better future.