23 December 2024, Monday, 19:59
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Vaclav Havel: “European Union shouldn’t support evil”

Vaclav Havel: “European Union shouldn’t support evil”

Vaclav Havel, former president of the Czech Republic and leader of the Velvet Revolution, made his first statement after the hospitalization and called on the European Union to remember about democratic values and not to sacrifice them for economic interests.

“The EU must state clearly it is not indifferent to what is taking place in the world and has no intention of supporting evil," the famous public figure told at an international conference on democracy in international relations in Prague.

According to Havel, the European Union should keep an eye on human rights violating and regard an issue on democracy and human rights as a key point:

“The EU must not feel indifferent to what happens in China, Russia, Myanmar, Cuba, Belarus, and other countries," Vaclav Havel stressed.

The two-day conference in Prague was attended by more than 100 experts, who represented different institutions and NGOs of the European Union.

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