26 June 2024, Wednesday, 15:28
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Concert “Solidarity with Belarus” held in Warsaw ahead of Freedom Day (Photo)

Concert “Solidarity with Belarus” held in Warsaw ahead of Freedom Day (Photo)

A concert “Solidarity with Belarus” was held at Theatre square in Warsaw on March 22. It was the largest action in support of democratic changes in Belarus.

The concert ahead of the freedom Day has been played in the Polish capital for the fourth time. It was organized by “Free Belarus” initiative and Warsaw city authorities.

Tymon Tymanski, Adam Nowak, Czeslaw Spiewa, Sidney Polak, Evgeny Valoshyn, Anastasiya Nyakrasava, bands IQ48, Eastwest Rockers, Dali, Miod, Izrael.

Belsat TV will show the gig on Freedom Day, March 25. Belsat’s journalist Alyaksei Dzikavitski has no doubts that the Belarusians need support and solidarity expressed by the democratic countries, especially in this time.

“Lukashenka may be invited for EU summit in Prague, though there are no changes in Belarus, no the so called liberalization. All changes are just “cosmetic”. Political prisoners have appeared in the country again, peaceful demonstrations are again dispersed. The opposition thinks the West has betrayed them in some way,” Alyaksei Dzikavitski says.

“This gig is a signal of solidarity for the Belarusian opposition. People, who live in fear to be thrown into prison, must feel they are supported, their work is not in vain, they have chosen the right way,” said Mateusz Luft, one of the organizers.

Appearing of Zbigniew Bujak, legendary leader of the Polish Solidarity movement, was very important for the Belarusians, struggling for freedom.

Photo by Andrei Abalevich

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