10 January 2025, Friday, 11:07
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Militia failed to find those who had beaten Franak Vyachorka


Franak Vyachorka, forcefully drafted into the army, received a letter saying the militia couldn’t find the person, who injured the activist.

The letter was signed by S. Byassmertny, head of the Savetski district militia department of Minsk.

“You complaint has been considered. It was impossible to find a person, who inflicted bodily harm to you. An administrative process on your request has been stopped on the ground of part 1, item 3, article 9.6 of the Procedure Code of Belarus of Administrative Offences after completion of terms of imposition of administrative penalty,” the website of the BPF Party quotes the letter of the militia department.

It should be reminded that on the next day after January 28, when F. Vyachorka was unlawfully and forcefully “drafted” into the army, the military prosecutor’s office recorded numerous signs of beating on him. According to the court evidence of the youth activist, he was handcuffed and beaten by militiamen and people in mufti on the way to the military enlistment office and in the office in the eyes of witnesses. But the Savetski district militia department failed to find the people guilty.

Vintsuk Vyachorka, father of the political draftee, estimates the actions of the militiamen of the Savetski district militia department:

“It would be silly of us to suppose the people guilty could be found. I saw how major Achapouski from this militia department caught my son near the military enlistment office to guard him to the military hospital to re-write diagnoses. The major received the orders from a man in mufti. Militiamen can only fulfil orders of such people in mufti, catch dissidents and organize militiamen-witnesses, like those who in 2007 claimed I had been using obscene language near my house in the presence of my little daughter. But the time will come when the sadists will be found and punished.

By the way, a two-page Enquiry on Public Opinion Research on Work of the Law Enforcement Bodies was carefully attached to the letter. It contains a question: “Are you satisfied with the results of request considering?” The possible answers are Yes and No (Why?). I choose answer 2.3 – “A formal reply is given” with my additional remark “demonstratively cynical formal reply.”

On May 5, at 10.00 at the address 4, Azgur Street, the Belarusian Military Court will have a session where a complaint of V. Vyachorka at a refusal to instigate a criminal case on numerous facts of violation of the law during the “call-up” of F. Vyachorka.

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