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On May 1 riot policemen disbanded solidarity rally in Belarus (Photo, video)

On May 1 riot policemen disbanded solidarity rally in Belarus (Photo, video)

In Minsk riot policemen were beating up participants of the peaceful rally of solidarity with political prisoner Mikalay Autukhovich who had declared indefinite hunger strike. The rally took place on May 1 near the remand prison in Valadarski Street in Minsk.

Since February 2009 political prisoners Mikalay Autukhovich, Uladzimir Asipenka and Yury Lyavonau are kept in the remand prison in Minsk.

50 activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” and “Young Front” gathered near the remand prison with portraits of prisoners of conscience, with the streamer “Freedom to political prisoners!”, a national white-red-white flag and European flags. Oppositionists were chanting: “Freedom to political pruners!” and “Long live Belarus!” Coordinator of the Charter’97 Zmitser Bandarenka, youth leaders, activists of the “European Belarus” Zmitser Barodka, Yauhen Afnagel, Paval Yukhnevich, Maxim Vinyarski have taken part in the rally as well.

Protesters stated that they have come to support Mikalay Autukhovich, as his life is seriously menaced today. Afghan war veteran, who had been awarded Red Banner order and “For courage” medal, Mikalay Autukhovich suffers from pancreatitis, and indefinite hunger strike can kill him.

10 minutes after the rally started, a paddy wagon packed with riot policemen arrived to the remand prison. Protesters were encircled, and there was an attempt to push them away. Riot policemen were seizing portraits from the hands of protesters and trying to tear them.

Demonstrators sat on the ground as a protest holding portraits of the political prisoners. Riot policemen surrounded the people sitting on the ground, preventing them from moving anywhere.

The deputy commander of the Internal Affairs department of Maskouski district of Minsk was in command of the policemen. He ignored the decision of the Supreme Court of Belarus that people with portraits I their hands do not violate the Law on mass events, and stated that an unsanctioned rally was held in front of the remand prison.

Participants of the peaceful rally were harshly driven away from the territory near the remand prison. Riot policemen were hitting the protesters on back, kidney area and legs. Riot policemen were doing that sneakily, by fists and legs. A former political prisoner, a youth leader Andrei Kim was beaten up. Demonstrators were in fact led under police escort to “Frunzenskaya” metro station with systematic blows being delivered.

Solidarity rallies of solidarity with Mikalay Autukhovich who had declared a hunger strike, as well as with Yury Lyavonau, Uladzimir Asipenka are to take place daily at 6 p.m. in October Square in Minsk.

As we have informed, activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Dzmitser Barodka and Maxim Syarheeu filed applications for holding a picket in Minsk park of People’s Friendship on May 1. In an answer signed by the deputy chairman of Minsk city executive committee M. Tsistyankou is was said that Minsk city executive committee hasn’t sanctioned holding a picket, as it is out of keeping with parts 5 and 6 of the Article 5 of the Law “On mass events in Belarus”.

As noted by the website of “European Belarus”, by their denial officials of Minsk city executive committee has demonstrated not only a disrespect to the Constitution and rights of a citizen, but legal ignorance. The 5th part of the Article 5 of the Law “On mass events” to which Tsitsyankou referred to, hasn’t been published yet and hasn’t come has entered into legal force.

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