9 January 2025, Thursday, 19:51
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Charter 97!

Rally of solidarity near pre-trial detention center in Valadarski Street (Photo)

An action of solidarity with Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau, and Uladzimir Asipenka was held near the pre-trial detention center #1 of the militia department of the Minsk city executive committee.

Activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” unfurled a banner “Freedom for Political Prisoners!” at the main entrance to the jail.

Young people were shouting loudly “Freedom for Autukhovich!”, “Freedom for Asiepnka!”, “Freedom for Lyavonau!” Five minutes after the beginning of the picket officers of the pre-trial center ordered to stop the action and tried to hinder filming the events. A militia squad that came later didn’t take any measures against the activists and the picket was held without dispersal and detentions.

Pickets of solidarity with entrepreneurs’ leaders Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau, and Uladzimir Asipenka kept in prison since February 8 have been held in the Belarus’s capital since May 1. Mikalai Autukhovich went on hunger strike on April 16. He demands that his case should be sent to court or the leaders of entrepreneurs be released on their own recognizance.

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