29 June 2024, Saturday, 17:12
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Million fines for demand to release political prisoners


Activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” stood trials for holding a protest action near Alyaksandr Lukashenka’s Administration.

Four activists of the campaign – Palina Dzyakava, Katsyaryna Lyudvik, Aleh Ladudska, and Maksim Vinyarski – came to the administration building with portraits of political prisoners demanding to release them immediately. The oppositionists unfurled banners “Release Autukhovich!” some minutes later, the activists were detained by militiamen and guarded to city militia department #1 of the Leninski district of Minsk.

Dzyakava, Ladutska, and Vinyarski were guarded to the “house of justice” in Syamashka Street where they stood trials. Minor Katsyaryna Lyudvik was released.

The court sentenced Vinyarski and Ladutska to fines of 30 basic units (1,050,000 rubles), Dzyakava got a fine of 20 basic units. The decisions were read by judges Khoma, Darashonak, Valevich.

It should be reminded that three political prisoners – leaders of entrepreneurs Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau, and Uladzimir Asipenka – have been in the Minsk detention facility since February 2009. One of the prisoners of conscience, Mikalai Autukhovich, has been on hunger strike for the 56th day.

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