3 June 2024, Monday, 8:23
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One flew over the chicken’s nest (Photo, video)


Lukashenka makes more and more trip around the country – he visits pig-breeding complexes and poultry farm, as yesterday.

On August 10, Alyaksandr Lukashenka visited the Hrodna region. Flying over the Vaukavysk, Svislach, Astravets districts, the Belarusian ruler understood that the Hrodna region didn’t impress him – there are too many crops unharvested.

“The Hrodna region doesn’t impress me. Psychologically, I am ready to the end of the harvesting, but flying over the Vaukavysk, Svislach, Astravets districts I saw many crop unharvested,” the Belarusian ruler told during a working trip to the region.

Lukashenka also remained disappointed with the bad quality of Belarusian agricultural equipment delivered to farms. “Reliability of equipment we produce is an important issue,” he said visiting the agricultural enterprise “Skidelskaye”.

In particular, Lukashenka was reported about failure to deliver Lida-made combine harvesters and about fact of breakdowns of Lida-1600 harvesters. The Belarusian ruler noted in this relation: “Nobody had any complaints regarding the Gomel-made harvesters. But your harvesters are made using German constituent parts.” “Then why do they break?” he asked.

“We live in crisis. Deliveries to the inner market are important for us. Why then I see low-quality goods?” Lukashenka said and ordered Governor of the Hrodna region Uladzimir Sauchanka to sort out the problem, and even invite “people from the center”.

“Sort out this enterprise, its administration,” he said.

Lukashenka visited a poultry house “Yubileyny” during his trip to the Hrodna region. The Belarusian ruler and the delegation were given special uniform – yellow caps and protective coats. Officials looked rather funny.

We remind that Alyaksandr Lukashenka visited Beldan pig-breeding farm in the Lyakhavichy district (the Brest region) during his trip to the regions last week. The Belarusian leader made a loud statement there: “Revolution starts in pig-breeding in Belarus.”

Lukashenka said at the end of his speech that “the Belarusians will live like the Europeans” by 2011.

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