11 March 2025, Tuesday, 14:19
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Onishchenko: “There must be swine flu in Belarus”


The chief sanitary officer of Russia Gennady Onishchenko put in doubt on Thursday on information about absence of cases of the influenza А/H1N1 in Belarus.

“Belarus is in the center of Europe, so it must have cases of this flu,” Gennady Onishchenko told at a press conference, PRIME TASS reports.

The chief sanitary officer said the problem of the swine flu spreading is very acute, because it has been registered in 168 out of 180 states in the United Nations.

What to the countries that haven’t reported about swine flu cases, the chief sanitary officer thinks people from these states don’t go abroad or these countries lack efficient diagnostics.

What concerns Russia, according to him 142 cases of the disease have been recorded.

We remind that a boy was hospitalized in Homel on August 2 with a suspicion of the influenza А/H1N1. He returned from holidays in Italy in a group of children.

The boy, having high temperature, was taken to hospital just from the airport. medical examination didn’t find the a/H1N1 virus.

A US national was taken to the inflectional hospital in Hrodna from Bruzhi border crossing point with a suspicion of the influenza А/H1N1.

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