Forcible draft of oppositionists goes on
1- 22.09.2009, 15:41
Over this week two more young pro-democracy activists who had determent and medical counter-indications for military service, were forced to put on military boots.
Over this week two more young pro-democracy activists who had determent and medical counter-indications for military service, were forced to put on military boots.
Я абяццаю, што, калі не выключать з ВНУ і не заберуць у армію, то я буду змагацца за лёс майго краю і ніякія войскі не зальюць агонь, які пылае ў маім сэрцы. А калі заберуць - буду і там змагацца, бо я кахаю цябе, БЕЛАРУСЬ...