A toast to Belarusian teachers
37- Siarhei Stakhousky, "Salidarnasc"
- 1.10.2010, 10:39
Being a teacher by education, I keep in touch with former colleagues, students of the same year, who became teachers.
I have first-hand knowledge of – teacher’s bread is difficult and dear. Constant written tests, extra classes, teachers' meetings, optional classes and grade guidance, classes on ideological education, and also “social useful loading”.
It did not become easier to work despite of the completed school reform. And the elections are coming. Last Monday the Central Election Committee registered initiative groups of presidential candidates, and the news that the group of Alyaksandr Lukashenka was headed by the Minister of Education Alyaksandr Radzkou did not make Belarusian teachers glad.
Judge yourself – polling stations, as a rule, are situated in educational establishments, and the teaching staff is occupied with signature collection, agitation and other preparation for which people have neither strength, nor time. The whole work is traditionally called “social activity” and its fulfilment is not discussed.
And what about teachers? Alas, only a little part of them dares to confront. One of the former students of the same year with me said in a private talk: “We got accustomed to a pre-election hectic, our wages were at least raised, and in Russia the Minister of Education is going to fire 200 thousand teachers”.
Yes, unfortunately, high pedagogical education is not universal. A teacher who would decide to change his occupation, at the best would get a job at the market. Exceptions only confirm the rule. An eternal issue about decency and common human values stumble on the eternal one: “Who will nourish my family?” And it is a weighty argument.
The present authority knows very well, how to manage a mass of people who are deprived of their rights and are economically unprotected, who in their turn have levers of influence on parents of their pupils. A wise American Mark Twain, on books of whom not a single generation grew up, said: “Act always correctly. It will give pleasure to some people and will surprise all others”. May be, one should take this aphorism as a major toast, at all Belarusian “corporate parties” devoted to Teachers’ Day, which is traditionally celebrated at the first weekend of October?