23 December 2024, Monday, 22:02
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Charter 97!

Places of work of election commission members classified in Minsk


Though lists of election commissions are published at the website of Minsk city executive committee, no job positions are indicated there.

One could guess where members of the commissions, nominated by labour collectives, work. But what position is occupied by them at their enterprises, or whether they work there at all, it is not clear from the information at the website, “Human Rights Activists for Free Election” write.

The website of Minsk regional executive committee, however, informs the public about the makeup of the commissions in more detail than city authorities. The authorities of the region inform about the place of work and capacity of the commission members, and by which organizations they had been nominated. In the names of job positions of most people who work in the election commission, the words “director”, “head” and “chief” are most frequent, which eloquently says about their high positions. A little analysis of the places of work proves that the high positions of these people belong to different spheres of activity – from medicine and education to government authorities and business entities. At the same time, it is striking that the two oppositionists who have become members of the regional election commission representing the Just World party and the Belarusian Popular Front “Adradzhennye” (“Revival”) public association, are an unemployed and a pensioner.

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