23 December 2024, Monday, 21:58
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It is believed in Belarus that “Song about mother-in-law” could be harmful for elections


In the run-up to the presidential election all “superficial” songs of local singers disappeared from rotation of the First National channel of Belarusian Radio.

Besides, Queen, Depeche Mode and even a song “Delta plan” Nikolai Noskov, Russia, have been banned tacitly.

“I was invited for an interview to the First National Radio for an interview. The editor refused to play my songs on air. ELECTION!!!” Such a text has appeared in the twitter of a well-known Belarusian show-man Dzmitrty Vrangel.

Journalists of “Salidarnasts” have contacted him to ask some details of the situation. As a result they heard a comic dialogue which confirms that Belarusian state officials before the presidential elections sometimes do absurd and crazy things.

- Representatives of the First National Radio had invited me for an interview, -- told Dzmitry Vrangel the story which happened a week ago. – Before the live programme one employee asked me to give a CD with my songs, and she brought them to the music editor. In a while the girl returned and said in apologizing manner: “Unfortunately, we cannot play your songs.” Not the song “Bachelor”, or “Fitness”, or “The Song about mother-in-law”. Please do not take offence, understand me…”

“But what’s wrong with them?” I asked.

“They are quickly, comic, not serious. And the elections are coming…” she said.

“But you can choose a song of some other performer,” she offered.

“Something from Queen then.”

“Something else.”

“Depeche Mode.”

There was a denial again, and an offer to name a song in Russian. I recalled a song “Delta Plan” by Noskov. And they did not agree again!

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