28 December 2024, Saturday, 4:26
the website
Sim Sim,
Charter 97!

Charter97.org website in Facebook

The webpage of our website is created specially for the case if for some reasons access to charter97.org is impossible.

Official webpage of the internet resource charter97.org is opened in the most mass social network Facebook.

According to the experience of the previous election campaigns it’s possible to talk that the authorities will try on the eve and in the day of the elections, as well as during mass campaign at Kastrychnitskaya Square on December 19 at 8 p.m. to block the access to independent information resources. We offer you to sign up to the webpage in Facebook or, if you don’t have an account in this social network, to add the page to the bookmarks of the browser. In this case you’ll be able to read the news, watch video and photos. Webpage support will be arranged by the journalists of charter97.org.

At the moment the page is in the “frozen” state and will start to be refreshed only at the moment of the main site blocking.

Tell your acquaintances, friends about this, sign up yourself, add the address to the bookmarks of the browser of the computer and the mobile phone.

For our and your freedom!

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