5 January 2025, Sunday, 22:51
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"Terrorist attack" case falls apart: Sauchanka does not have claims against Autukhovich

The former governor of Hrodna region Uladzimir Sauchanka learnt about preparation of a terrorist attack against him only from inverstigators.

Uladzimir Sauchanka told about that on April 1 during questionsing in the Supreme Court in the case of Vaukabysk businessmen Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka, BelaPAN was told by the leader of the organising committee for creation of "Razam" solidarity movement Vyachaslau Siuchyk.

As informed by Siuchyk, testimony of Sauchanka not only fail to prove guilt of Mikalai Autukhovich in preparation for Sauchanka's murder, but refute testimony of another person involved in this case, Alyaksandr Laryn, to whom Autukhovich allegedly ordered to murder Sauchanka.

"Sauchanka told that Laryn's testimony was inaccurate. That he lives in the different storey, not in the one Laryn told, and he noticed no shadowing, cannot say anything about that, and that in general he learnt about the prepared attempt on his life from investigators, and has no complaints against Autukhovich," Siuchyk said.

"Fundamentally, Sauchannka said nothing new and important. I think somebody forced him to take part in this trial, to show him to the public, as recently there were different rumours about his physical and mental health," Siuchyk said.

Except Sauchanka, a witness Ivan Zajtsau was interrogated in the court. "Zajtsau stated he won't bear evidence openly, as he fears for the life of his acquaintance. That friend of him allegedly told to Zajtsau that Autukhovich ordered arsons of the house of the former head of Vaukavysk police department Vitaly Katsuba and a tax inspector Mandzik. Autukhovich allegedly ordered arsons to Yury Artsyukevich, who previously confessed in the same court that he hadn't ordered any arsons to Autukhovich," Siuchyk said.

As said by Siuchyk, to the question of the lawyer of Uladzimir Asipenka, Tamara Sidarenka, where his friend has this infromation from, he answered: "From an acquaintance of mine". Then Autukhovich could not bear that any more and stated that he is not going to participate in the process in which charges are based on words of "an acquaintance of my acquaintance". Besides, such testomony caused a volcanic reaction in the court room. The judge had to evict several persons from the court room, as it was impossible to supress lauging," Siuchyk noted.

We remind that all the witnesses invoved in the case of Autukhovich, say a strong pressure of investigation is experienced by them, and state that the Vaukavysk businessamn is innocent, and withhold their previous evidence.

For instance, witness Liudmila Paremskaya, a former bookkeeper of Autukhovich's firm "Nika-Trans" said she underwent psychological pressure during investigation.

"Everything I told about weapons during investiagtion is contrary to reality. I was in such a state that I could say and write anything at all, in order to be released," Liudmila Paremskaya said about her testimony about grende laucher found in Hrodna.

Vorsha-based entrepreneur Ihar Puzikau told to te court that he had been threatened, he had been promised early release, interrogated as a suspect, and it was effective: he gave necessary testimony. The award for him was not only freedom, but money for the ticket from Hrodna to Vorsha and a bottle of vodka from the hands of the investigator.

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