23 July 2024, Tuesday, 1:28
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Kavalenka arrested in court room for raising national flag (Updated, photo)

Kavalenka arrested in court room for raising national flag (Updated, photo)

Syarhei Kavalenka, an activist from Vitsebsk, who was to stand trial today for hanging a national white-red-white flag, raised a national flag in the court room before the trial.

As Radio Svaboda reports, militiamen on duty snatched the flag from his hands and threw it on the ground. Human rights and democratic activists standing nearby began to shout “Shame!” and “Long live Belarus!”

Militiamen called for a riot militia squad. Syarhei Kavalenka was arrested and guarded to the Kastrychnitski militia department of Vitsebsk. As charter97.org learnt from Paval Sevyarynets, co-head of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party, who was present in the court room, the oppositionist will be tried in accordance with article 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offences (organizing or participating in unauthorized mass events).

Trial over Syarhei Kavalenka postponed till May 12.

Shortly after arrest of Kavalenka, four opposition activists, including Paval Sevyarynets and Belsat journalist Uladzimir Staraverau, were arrested in Vitsebsk as well. Paval Sevyarynets told this to charter97.org. according to the politician, the activists were detained for hanging a ehite-red-white flag on the building of the Kastrychnitski district militia department.

The member of the Conservative Christian Party BPF hung out a national white-red-white flag on the city’s Christmas tree on January 7, 2010. He is accused on hooliganism and disobedience to militiamen during the detention.

Kavalenka faces up to 6 years in prison under two criminal articles.

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