26 June 2024, Wednesday, 2:51
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Gazprom: We owe nothing to Belarus


Gas transit via Belarus’ territory has been paid in compliance with the current contract.

Gazprom does not have a debt to Belarus, stated the spokesperson for the Russian holding Sergei Kupriyanov, RIA Novosti informs.

Alyaksandr Lukashenka stated on Friday that Belarus will limit gas and oil transit in case Gazprom won’t repay the debt within one day. Minsk believes that Gazprom owes $260 mln for gas transit, and Gazprom states that $228 mln of debt have been paid under the contract.

“Under the existing contract, Gazprom owes nothing to Belarus," Sergei Kupriyanov said in a statement.

Earlier Sergei Kupriyanov said that Gazprom sent to Belarus which signing would allow increase rate for transit of Russian gas under a condition of increase by Minsk of domestic wholesale prices at which Beltransgaz sells fuel. 50% of Beltransgaz is owned by Gazprom. The matter in question is a special supplement to the contract.

Gazprom is offered to implement conditions on home sales of gas agreed upon earlier. According to them in 2009 the wholesale markup of Beltrasngaz was to make $10.47 per 1000 cubic metres, $11.07 in 2010.

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