15 March 2025, Saturday, 11:03
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Andrei Sannikov: BNF’s absurd manifesto


The leaders of the Belarusian Popular Front Party (BPF) call on the opposition to “join forces against the Kremlin”.

BPF candidate for president Ryhor Kastusyou and head of the BPF party Alyaksei Yanukevich presented The Manifesto on National Interests Protection.

The manifesto says: “We understand that not only the current regime but also Russian political circles and their friendly oligarchs constitute a danger for political and economic independence of Belarus and freedom of its citizens. Uniting the opposition forces only against Lukashenka is a weak position. We call to join forces not against someone but for protection of our national interests.”

Andrei Sannikov, the leader of the European Belarus civil campaign and a presidential candidate, commented on the manifesto.

“No sober-minded Belarusian politician will sign the manifesto released by the today’s BPF leadership. The document is so evidently absurd that makes one think about the real aims of the initiators. Why did it appear now, when Russia’s position towards the last dictatorship of Europe begins to change? What did inspire it? Only one answer suggests itself: it was inspired by a fear of real changes in Belarus and a desire to hinder this.

Let’s be honest, our recent history teaches that changes in Belarus were caused by impulses from Moscow. Gorbachev’s perestroika led to proclamation of independence and Yeltsin’s reforms bring the independence to life. What is bad if Moscow again attracts attention to investigation of the disappeared people’s cases, speaks about corruptness of Lukashenka and retinue?

Under these conditions, an attempt of the BPF leadership to depict the opposition blind and deaf doesn’t stand up to criticism. Like Lukashenka, they still have feudal ideas about the present-day world. Like the Belarusian dictator, they try to arrogate the right to decide what the people of Belarus need.

Today, we have a real chance to release the country from dictatorship and we use this opportunity for sure. Unfortunately, the BPF leadership doesn’t want to take part in this,” Andrei Sannikov said.

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