23 December 2024, Monday, 22:11
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Zmitser Bandarenka: Situation now is like in the first months after the arrest

Zmitser Bandarenka: Situation now is like in the first months after the arrest

Pressure on political prisoners in Belarusian prisons grows.

Zmitser Bandarenka, the coordinator of European Belarus civil campaign, says in letter and telephone calls today’s situation in the Mahilou penal colony, where he serves his term, “is like in two months after the arrest, but with some peculiarities”. In this way, the political prisoner reports about the increased pressure on him – KGB prisoners faced tortures and ill-treatment in the first two months after the arrest.

According to the political prisoner, his health has worsened. The only “treatment” he gets after a spinal surgery is cold in the morning. He was allowed to take physical exercises when lying down in the morning during the first two weeks, but now the administration says it’s forbidden. The political prisoner thinks this “treatment” will be continued.

Zmitser Bandarenka calls to carry out an international medical examination, because all Belarusian doctors depend on authorities. Their lies and cowardice are dangerous for people’s health.

The political prisoner cannot walk properly after the operation. He had to take painkillers from time to time. He is released from work, but he must obey other prison rules.

If international medical examination is not carried out, Zmitser Bandarenka will be announced “apparently healthy” in January. The political prisoner asks to be examined by Doctors Without Borders. He fears he may become disabled in prison.

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