3 June 2024, Monday, 0:07
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38th accused in December 19 case


The 3rd year student of the Belarusian State Economic University Fiodar Mirzayanau has become the 38th accused of “mass riots” case.

The accusation was presented to him on February 1.

Fiodar was summoned to the KGB as a witness in the mass riots case on January 29, however January 25 in the morning KGB officers came to his place and took him for questioning to the investigation department in Sapyorau Street in Minsk. Following the interrogation results Fiodar was detained for 3 days as a suspect in the crime under Article 293 of the Criminal Code. He spent 3 days in the pre-trial detention centre at Akrestsin Street. An accusation was presented to him on Febrauary 1.

Fiodar Mirzayanau has served 15 days of an administrative arrest in Zhodzina prison for participation in the rally of December 19. the young man is not a member of any party or democratic youth movements, “Viasna” human rights centre informs.

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