Christian Holm wants to meet with Belarusian political prisoners
3- 17.12.2013, 12:37
- 7,791
The problem of Belarusian political prisoners and free elections are main priorities of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Ad Hoc Working Group on Belarus.
Leader of the United Civil Party (UCP), Anatol Liabedzka, chair of the BPF party Aliaksei Yanukevich and deputy head of the movement For Freedom Yury Hubarevich met with the chair of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Ad Hoc Working Group on Belarus, Christian Holm. The meeting took place in the Swedish Riksdag.
UCP leader Anatol Liabedzka said in an interview with
“It was a working meeting in the form of consultation and exchange of views. The OSCE PA forms the working group on Belarus, so there's no plan and action strategy yet. It's clear that the content of work to a large extent depends on the position of the group chair. Mr Holm noted it was a new experience for him. He said he would like to make the group's work as effective as possible. Permanent, active communication with representatives of the Belarusian civil society is needed to achieve this goal.
There are grounds to suppose the problem of the Belarusian political prisoners and free, honest elections will be among priorities of the OSCE PA Ad Hoc Working Group on Belarus. Christian Holm hopes his new post will allow him to visit Belarus more often. He doesn't rule out the possibility that the group may apply to the Belarusian authorities for a meeting with the political prisoners.”
There are more than 10 political prisoners in Belarus. European and American politicians repeatedly demanded to release them immediately.