23 December 2024, Monday, 21:32
the website
Sim Sim,
Charter 97!
Comments 1
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Piotr, 20:33, 23.05

Mili you're a puppet for batka.

Thanks for showing your true colors. You always seemed to stay in the neutral zone and never deeply or openly critiize the regime responsible for the deaths of Belarussian members of Government, oppressors of freedom of speech, violator of human rights and ally for global dictators.

Remember Dec 19? Did members of the opposition deserve harsh and severe punishment and treatment for non-violent acts of protest?

Tell us, Mili, what's your take on belarussian militia and the kgb program of threats, torture and constant harassment of citizens voicing opposition to the regime?

Go on, tell your story to the loving mothers and fathers of those being held in prison as prisoners of conscience.

How do you explain the illegitimate control of the state by batke and electoral process under yarmosenka?

You haven't suffered what so ever at the batons of the authorities.

You don't need to explain anything - what ever you say is a kgb script.

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