Ambulatory court takes a new hearing against a political prisoner Dziadok
4- 4.12.2014, 7:52
- 11,455
At Mahileu jail №4 Mikalai Dzidok took forensic psychiatric evaluation.
This information got his wife Valeryia Khotsina, “Radio Racyja” reports.
Mikalai Dziadok has been sentenced to 4 year and 6 months of imprisonment under the Article of so-called anarchists. He was found guilty in malicious hooliganism. On November 20, 3 and half months before his jail release, it was taken a new action against him for severe disobedience of jail administration rules. Mikalai Dzidok faces a new, up to a year, term of imprisonment.
According to Valeryia Khotsina the results of the expertise still remain unknown.
- Perhaps tomorrow they will serve final charges on him and may be after it he will be put in the pre-trial detention center. But there is still nothing new yet. The pre-trial detention center is located next to the prison, it is two different buildings, but still they belong to one institution. And as a rule these are ambulatory courts. Some court representatives arrive there and take a closed judicial session, she says.
According to Valeryia Khotsina, from her talks and letters with her husband she has made a conclusion that Mikalai is still standing tall despite a new wave of pressure.
- He mostly thinks of his relatives than of himself. During the first days he felt despondent. But now he seems to overcome this. In his letter he mentioned that a new one year imprisonment is less of that he already had, his wife says. She supposes that her husband will be in jail up to the presidential elections.
It should be reminded that on May 27, 2011 Zavadski Regional court in Minsk found Mikalai Dziadok, Ihar Alinevich and Aliaksandr Frantsevich, accused of the same case, guilty according to Art. 339 para 2 CC RB (malicious hooliganism) and Art. 218 para 2 and 3 (willful destruction or injuring of property). They were incriminated a rash of buildings attacks and arsons, particularly the organization of unauthorized antimilitary action next to the Ministry of Defense in 2009, throwing Molotov cocktails at the Russian Embassy and detention occupancy in Akhrestsina Str. in Minsk in 2010.
Civic rights activists treat imposed sentence to Dziadok and other imprisoned as politically motivated and also consider Mikalai Dziadok as political prisoner.