Channel 5 Journalist: Belarusians zombyfied by Russian TV through and through
197- 6.08.2014, 19:51
- 97,152

Tetyana Danylenko called Belarusians “malicious Sovki” (or Soviet people, Homo Sovieticus).
The well-known Ukrainian TV journalist is annoyed that her acquaintances among Belarusians support Russia in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Tetyana Danylenko has written that on her Facebook account.
“I do not know what kind of Turchynov’s friend Lukashenka is, but the Belarusian citizens, whom I come across by force of circumstances this week of necessity, leave a really demoralizing impression. They are greatly politicized, zombified by Putin’s TV to the marrow of their bones, aggressive Soviet people, sovki, who are simply unaware the Soviet Union had collapsed. Even usual women, they sink their teeth into political topics as a bullterrier into a slab of fresh meat. “It’s ok, Putin is going to establish order there quickly. It serves you right, you deserve that for shelling defenseless cities.” …” Tetyana Damylenko wrote.
Answering to that, many commenters note that the majority of Belarusians are on the side of Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.
“I have an absolutely opposite opinion. They ask your opinion about the situation very politely and tactfully, express concerns, offer personal help, and even say: “come to us, there is plenty potatoes for everyone”. Some people ask well-thought-out and reasonable questions. There is no aggression,” one of them writes.
“Our Belarusians call us, they are worried, and they ask questions. They wish us to get rid of this plague in Ukraine as soon as possible. But all of them are young, in their thirties. Maybe that’s why it is not so easy to brainwash them,” another citizen of Ukraine writes.