26 December 2024, Thursday, 10:54
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Latvian Foreign Minister leaves for Minsk

Latvian Foreign Minister leaves for Minsk

In February Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs visits Minsk.

Alena Kupcyna, the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, said it on February 13, BelaPAN reports.

"We plan to hold a meeting with a high-level official from the European External Action Service from Brussels, I'd like not to name him yet", Kupchyna said. –Then we will be visits at lower level, not less important, from France, Germany and Poland.

On February 11 during the summit of "Normandy Four" in Minsk the Foreign Minister of Belarus Uladzimir Mackei reported in the near time Minsk would be visited by a number of officials and the heads of the Foreign Ministries of the EU countries. "During a week or two we should expect the flow of visitors," he said.

On January 23 during the briefing in Minsk Andrejs Pildegovičs, the Secretary of State of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, announced the arrival of Rinkēvičs.

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