28 October 2024, Monday, 8:58
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The Reason I Go To Potest

The Reason I Go To Potest
Yauhen Afnahel

A couple of days ago, I had a chance to visit the Minsk City Executive Committee for the second time in my life.

Together with Uladzimir Niakliayeu and Mikalai Statkevich we warned the city officials that the March of disgruntled Belarusians would take place on 17 February. For first time I was there in 2007, with a similar task – then the opposition was preparing for the European March.

Both of these events occurred against the backdrop of public debates on the possibility of a national dialogue. Then, in 2007, a few minutes after the negotiations with the representatives of the city authorities, I was detained. I remember a policeman joking grimly: "Probably, they are not ready hold a dialogue there." Then he specified that equitable negotiations were only possible with a strong opponent, who could make others respect him.

Now the authorities keep talking about the dialogue inside the country, knowing that the previous path has exhausted itself. The question is whether they will be not fictitious negotiations, not just an imitation of them. The answer depends on us only. If we are strong and united, we can gain an equal dialogue, and real changes in the country.

The strength of the Belarusian opposition is the street. The rallies of the second half of the nineties helped to defend the independence, protests against the illegal referendum and the elections did not allow the world community to recognize the results. We sought the release of political prisoners and protected the independence of the media in the streets. The Square 2010 revealed the strength of the Belarusian opposition, when tens of thousands of people, despite threats and persecution, came to defend their rights and their votes.

Those, who dream about the liquidation of our country, watch closely the rallies taking place in Belarus. They assess whether we are willing to stand up for ourselves. They realize that those, who are now protesting against the illegal levies and stupid laws, will be protecting the independence tomorrow. I am sure that they will ponder over the issue whether to meddle into the country, where the people are ready to fight.

Thousands of Ukrainians go to the front to protect their independence, dignity and honor. Belarusians are in a better situation now. By participating in a peaceful protest, we do not risk our lives and at the same time we demonstrate our determination and strength.

I'm going to the March on February 17, not because I am very annoyed by the notorious tax. I'm going there, because I do not like when I am humiliated, called a "parasite" despite the fact that it’s not possible to find a normal job in the country. I'm going there, because I do not like that the authorities continue to separate the people and provoke riots. I'm going there in order not to pay a much higher price later, protecting the independence of Belarus. And I invite you to join.

Yauhen Afnahel, specially for Charter97.org

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