REP Trade Union Activists Prepare Actions Throughout Belarus
2- 17.08.2017, 10:43
- 18,194

Trade union activists appealed to local executive committees for permits to hold rallies.
The aimof the rallies is to protest against the interference of the authorities in the internal affairs of the independent REP trade union and against repressive actions against trade union leaders Henadz Fiadynich and Ihar Komlik.
Applications for holding rallies were filed in 15 cities across Belarus, writes.

– We expect that local executive authorities will pay due attentionbe to our applications," – Mikalai Herasimenka, the trade union's press secretary, said. – We hope to receive positive answers to our applications. The answers must come early next week.

Activists and just not indifferent people continue to support the REP trade union, which operates in the regular mode. At the moment, it is known that the trade union's chief accountant Ihar Komlik is in the pre-trial detention center No. 1, Henadz Fiadynich is a suspect in a criminal case.
We remind, that August 2, 2017, the Department of Financial Investigation of the State Control Committee of Belarus searched the trade union's office, seized computers, financial documents, personal property of Henadz Fiadynich and Ihar Komlik. A criminal case for "evasion from payment of taxes, fees in especially large amounts" was instituted against Fiadynich and Komlik. Ihar Komlik stays in prison since August 2.