4 June 2024, Tuesday, 10:52
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Why It Is Better For Lukashenka Not To Go To Vorsha

Why It Is Better For Lukashenka Not To Go To Vorsha

What do city residents think about the social policy in Belarus?

Not only authorities and security officials turned attention to protests against the so-called decree on "parasites", which were held throughout the country last year.

The Assembly of non-governmental organizations called the Vorsha rally against Decree No. 3 "The Regional Event of the Year". It was decided at a meeting of the Vorsha coalition of democratic forces to give a diploma to each participant of those events, Belsat reports.

Journalists have interviewed city residents to find out what they think about the social policy of the current government.

"I have been unemployed for two years already. I have three children – how can I feed them?"

"There’s no salary. My wife works as a junior counsellor in the kindergarten. Her salary is 20 rubles. Is this a salary? "

"It’s not possible to earn enough," – Vorsha residents shared their concerns with reporters.

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