31 July 2024, Wednesday, 22:25
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Dictator Appointed New Minsk City Executive Committee Head

Dictator Appointed New Minsk City Executive Committee Head

The former Minister of Transport has been appointed head of the Minsk City Executive Committee.

Lukashenka has appointed Anatol Sivak, who until now has served as Minister of Transport and Communications, as chairman of the Minsk City Executive Committee and announced a forthcoming meeting with the capital core group, BelTA correspondents report.

The dictator stressed that Anatol Sivak had to get into the swing of the work as soon as possible and deal with personnel issues.

– This should be done, if not in the city, then in the Minsk City Hall. In some three weeks I am going to visit the city hall, meet with the functionaries, lawmakers, authorities, all those who define the face of the city, life in the Belarusian capital, – Lukashenka said. – I need to have a serious talk with the Minsk City Hall. I have a lot of questions not only to the former authorities led by [Andrei] Shorats, but also to the members of the city hall.”

Speaking about the appointment of Anatol Sivak, Aliaksandr Lukashenka noted that more than a dozen candidates were considered for the post of a new head of the city.

– And this is not the question that is being solved today; it has long been arisen, – the dictator emphasized.

We remind that yesterday Lukashenka spoke about corruption schemes in which Minsk City Executive Committee officials could be tied up. The dictator stated that he had made a decision to “put each of them in jail.” According to Lukashenka, the fate of Shorats will be decided on November 24.

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