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In Salihosrk, KGB Guard Killed Belaruskali Workers, Who Was Pro-Change

In Salihosrk, KGB Guard Killed Belaruskali Workers, Who Was Pro-Change

Henadz Kisel had two children.

On August 12, in Salihorsk, right next to the KGB building, a murder took place. According to the investigation, Leanid Shtaida, a military pensioner who worked as a watchman in the local KGB before his arrest, hit the worker of Belaruskali Henadz Kisel in the neck with pruning scissors. The victim died in intensive care from his injuries, tut.by reports.

The murdered Henadz Kisel was 50 years old, worked at Belaruskali as a mining machine operator, had a wife and two adult children.

This is how the incident was described in the operational reports: “On August 12, at about 7 p.m., a 50-year-old man, riding a bicycle along Parkavaya Street, met a 67-year-old citizen. There was a quarrel between the men. During the scuffle, the pedestrian hit the cyclist in the neck with pruning scissors. The victim was taken to the hospital, but it was not possible to save him.”

It turned out that before the incident, the two men did not meet in person, but argued a lot on the Internet. The son of the murdered, Aliaksei, told about this:

- They never saw each other in person. They had a conflict on the Internet, in correspondence. I found out about this after the death of my father. He corresponded in Odnoklassniki with different people, mainly with colleagues, and watched different videos. I knew nothing that someone had threatened him. Father was a brave man, he was not afraid of anything. I don't think he would have warned me about this. He always stood on the side of justice. After his death, I studied his page in Odnoklassniki. There was a lot of correspondence with the accused. I didn't even have the nerve to read everything, because there were a lot of offensive words about my father from the accused. He wrote to him “you are a drunkard, a loser, did not serve in the army, achieved nothing in life.” This is all not true, my father has achieved a lot in life, he had a wonderful family.

Aliaksei calls the meeting with Leanid Shtaida a “coincidence”. He says that his father was returning from the dacha that day, he had to pay a visit to his son, who was on a business trip at that time, to feed the cat. On August 12, in Salihorsk, as in many cities, there were protests, the security forces partially blocked the traffic, so the father drove along the road that passed by the KGB building.

But the accused thinks differently - that Kisel deliberately came to him, in court he mentioned that “those fighters” were already active in the city. He said that on that day he dropped in to work before volleyball training to give a colleague, another guard, the pruning scissors, which he lended for a while in order to cut the bushes in his country house. According to the accused, Henadz Kisel attacked him, and Shtaida tried to defend himself, the very scissors, about 50 cm in size, were in his hand, with which he hit the enemy's neck. In court, Leanid said that he considered Kisel “not an enemy, but a lost soul”.

Judging by the video surveillance data read by the prosecutor, the scuffle lasted about one minute. The very moment of the attack did not get into the frame. But several points recorded in the forensics at once do not speak in favor of the accused's version that he was defending himself: the traces of blood found on the bicycle, and the nature of the wound, and the way the scissors entered the neck, and the investigative experiment.

The military pensioner was charged with murder under Part 1 of Article 139 of the Criminal Code, he faces from 6 to 15 years in prison. The state prosecutor requested seven and a half years, taking into account that Shtaida tried to provide Kisel with medical assistance immediately after the blow (passers-by called an ambulance, but Leanid took a first-aid kit out of the car, and clamped the wound with a towel).

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