27 July 2024, Saturday, 18:16
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Protest Marches Are Held All Over Minsk (Online)

Protest Marches Are Held All Over Minsk (Online)

Residents of the capital staged a "general rehearsal" before Sunday.

Today, protest marches are taking place all over Minsk.

Residents of the capital took to the streets without waiting for Sunday.

Website Charter97.org hosts an online broadcast of Saturday's marches.

15.12 Protesters also march in Uruchcha.

15.11 On the march, Zialeny Luh chants: "Tribunal!"

14.48 Minsk's South-West spectacularly walks to the beat of drums!

14.30 This is how the Saturday march looked in Minsk's Malinovka.

14.29 The protesters of Minsk were supported by Hrodna's Dziaviatauka!

14.19 Pryluki are marching today with all the people!

14.17 Saturday march in one of the districts of Minsk: amazing video!

14.16 Another video of the procession with revolutionary symbols in Barauliany.

14.15 Zialeny Luh is also marching on protest Saturday.

14.15 It seems that Minsk residents are not going to wait for Sunday!

14.14 Neighbors on Zakharava-Pulikhava Street are also walking together today.

14.12 In Barauliany and Bahdanovicha street, people also went out.

13.59 Serabranka also went to the protest march!

13:28 A huge column is marching in the South-West district of Minsk.

11.59 Inhabitants of Kalodzishchy went out to the Saturday march.

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