Belarus Held Sunday Marches At 20 C⁰ Below Zero
13- 17.01.2021, 11:58
- 39,515

Today is the 162nd day of continuous protests in Belarus.
Despite the temperature of 20 C ⁰ below zero, residents of Minsk and other cities of Belarus have come out for the traditional Sunday marches. covered the Sunday protests live.
18:45 Morning marches turn into evening protests. Vitsebsk joined in.
18:28 In Warsaw, despite the frost, people also gathered to support the courageous Belarusians. Actions in the capital of Poland are held every Sunday.

18:18 Healthcare workers at the march: the protest will die out when the dictator dies!
18:01 An action under white-red-white flags took place in the Chalyuskintsau park.

17:58 White-red-white flags were also hoisted on Pritytski Street today.

17:50 Another video of the Minsk protest. The frost doesn’t bother the residents of the capital.
17:40 An action of solidarity with white-red-white flags was held in the center of Minsk.
17:26 In Vileika, the train honks in support of the protesting Belarusians.
17:16 Look how the Belarusians of Hamburg protested against the state terror in our country.
16:47 In Uruchcha, people supported a white-red-white flash mob, which was invented by the inhabitants of the Square of Changes.
В Уручье поддержали бело-красно-белый флешмоб
— (@charter_97) January 17, 2021
16:23 The Belarusians of Kyiv expressed their support to those who went to the March today. The Belarusian diaspora provides simply amazing support.

16:09 The protest activity was very diverse today.

16:00 In Smaliavichy, Karpiankou was sent to the Wolf Burrows.

15:09 The partisans of Pushkinskaya held a bright action on the balconies!
14:57 Rakau, Aksakaushchyna and Novaye Pole went for a Sunday walk!
Раков, Аксаковщина и Новое поле вышли вышли на воскресную прогулку!
— (@charter_97) January 17, 2021
14:56 Bright actions were carried out by the residents of Liabiazhy and the district of the “Riga” mall.
14:46 Residents of the Siomkava agro-town have come out with white-red-white flags to hold a protest rally.
Семково. Жители агрогородка на марше с бело-красно-белыми флагами.
— TUT.BY (@tutby) January 17, 2021
14:30 A bus with the white-red-white flag is driving around Minsk today.
14:22 Belarusians in Biala Podliaska have supported the participants of the protests in their Homeland

14:12 Brest residents have taken to the protest rally with national flags. The people are chanting: “Get lost, you and riot police of yours!” One of the participants of the action said “Karpenkou, you have already earned three life sentences!”
13:28 In Brylevichy, people went out onto balconies with white-red-white flags, and recited a poem by Yanka Kupala.
Минск. В Брилевичах люди вышли на балконы с бело-красно-белыми флагами и прочитали стихотворение Янки Купалы.
— TUT.BY (@tutby) January 17, 2021
13:02 Residents of Barysau went for a jog with national flags.
Люди с флагами бегут в Борисове.
— TUT.BY (@tutby) January 17, 2021
12:46 Maladechna and Smarhon also went to protest actions today!

Сморгонь тоже вышла на акции протеста!
— (@charter_97) January 17, 2021
12:29 Residents of the Magister residential complex are racing at full speed, despite the frost.
Жители ЖК Магистр гоняют во всю мощь, несмотря на мороз.
— (@charter_97) January 17, 2021

12:16 The partisans of Salihorsk also came out to the action today. “Partisans-fighters of Salihorsk do not give up, do not forget, do not forgive and do not turn the page. Long live Belarus! Thank you Skoda, Nivea, Tissot! We will win!” said the protesters in the city of miners.

12:04 Residents of Mayakouski Street in Minsk marched through their district today.
11:47 Today, residents of the Zakhad micro district in Minsk have been protesting since the morning for several hours. And they are not afraid of anything: neither the severe frost, nor the evil Lukashists, nor the police units!
11:30 The micro districts Bicycle plant, Tractor Plant, and Sharyki are marching across Minsk. Residents of the three districts went on a joint Sunday walk today.
11:13 Today, residents of Barauliany went to the march and offered to send all the bandits led by Lukashenka to the camps.
10:51 A protest action is taking place this Sunday in the Uruchcha micro district, Minsk. “Get lost, you and riot police of yours!” , - this is the message of the residents of the district to the usurper.
10:35 Minsk Kurasoushchyna went to the Sunday march. Residents of the district were among the first to start the 162nd day of protests.
10:25 In Vorsha, the local residents arranged a solidarity action in the very morning. The partisans supported Pavel Seviarynets and Ihar Losik.