27 July 2024, Saturday, 15:43
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Belarus Holds Sunday Protests

Belarus Holds Sunday Protests

Actions with the national symbols were held throughout the country.

Today is the 176th day of continuous protests in Belarus.

Belarusians go to the traditional Sunday protest actions again.

The residents of the country are outraged by the attempts of the Lukashists to banish the white-red-white flag, so today the actions are held also to defend the national symbols.

The website Charter97.org was covering the Sunday protests in Belarus live.

18:37 Hrushauka is sending greetings to all the protesters who came to the March today.

18:28 Minskers from the Uskhod microdistrict have taken to the streets. They also convey best regards to the Russians who are protesting today.

18:16 In Kyiv, Belarusians and Ukrainians honoured the memory of Hero Mikhail Zhyzneuski.

18:11 “Ready to return to the center”. Another march has been held in Minsk.

17:50 The Belarusians of Gdansk (Poland) supported their compatriots who took part in the protest actions.

17:14 Minsk does not give up! Chain of Solidarity near Bangalore Square.

17:12 Belarusian diasporas abroad actively support the protesters in the country. Warsaw (Poland) joined the action.

16:23 Vileyka is saying: “The walls will collapse soon!”

16:16 An impressively beautiful action of the partisans with the white-red-white flag.

16:06 People from Barauliany are sending their message: “You cannot ban us!”

15:41 Antonauskaya-Zakharau-Pulikhau Streets have come out in support of the white-red-white flag with a slogan “This is our flag!”

15:30 Skidel is out for a Sunday protest!

14:54 The Minsk microdistrict Smena has also taken to the streets for a Sunday march.

14:24 Aksakaushchyna’s also at the Sunday March!

14:22 Minskers have lined up in a solidarity chain in defence of the national symbols.

13:28 Brave city dwellers march along Zaslaul!

12:56 Residents of Miadzel district and Dzehtsiarouka know for sure which flag should wave over the New Belarus!

12:48 A huge national flag has been hung from one of the house windows in Vitsebsk.

12:35 In Minsk, Chyrvony Bor is demanding to release all political prisoners. In Kamennaya Horka, people have hoisted a white-red-white flag!

12:32 Smaliavichy will never give up! The local partisans have held an action in defence of the national flag.

12:21 Minskers from Kurasoushchyna have taken to the street, and are singing “Three Turtles”.

11:45 In Minsk, Serabranka microdistrict residents have held an action: they went out to the balconies of their multi-storeyed house with the white-red-white flags, and chanted “Long Live Belarus!”

9:36 Zhlobin residents have recorded a powerful video in support of the national flag.

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