27 September 2024, Friday, 2:56
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Pavel Seviarynets Asked Metropolitan Veniamin To Stand Up For White-Red-White Flag

Pavel Seviarynets Asked Metropolitan Veniamin To Stand Up For White-Red-White Flag

In 1995, Nil Hilevich made the same request to Metropolitan Filaret.

Pavel Seviarynets has asked Metropolitan Veniamin to stand up for the white-red-white flag, the politician's wife, Volha Seviarynets, reported on her Facebook.

"Pavel Severinets wrote to Metropolitan Veniamin asking him to stand up for the white-red-white flag as a Christian symbol. In 1995, Nil Hilevich appealed to Metropolitan Filaret with a similar request - to explain his attitude toward the white-red-white flag. Filaret replied that his attitude was positive because these are the colors of the white shroud with the blood of Christ. Attention, here's the question! Will Veniamin respond to Seviarynets?" - Volha wrote.

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