26 October 2024, Saturday, 11:32
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Reputation of Belarusian Authorities Reaches Negative Values

Reputation of Belarusian Authorities Reaches Negative Values
Photo: Lithuanian State Border Security Service

Now they are not only hijackers but gallant smugglers.

Hello daughter.

Here, in the last couple of days, the Belarusian authorities have been thinking about finding a new place under the sun. Because after the sanctions imposed over the past week, the old place has become somehow not very comfortable. And given the fact that the EU has begun to prepare a second sectoral package and the US has promised to keep up with it, the topic of finding a new destination is becoming especially relevant.

Prime Minister Halouchanka went to Kazakhstan to look for a better life there and, at the same time, oil. And, judging by the absence of victorious reports, it does not seem like he found something in the first two days. Because the plan to build a model of a Belarusian farm in Kazakhstan in order to disseminate advanced agricultural practices through it does not seem like an impressive breakthrough.

Deputy Prime Minister Subotsin said yesterday that the Belarusian authorities will find new markets for their potash fertilizers in Russia and China. And I’m even ashamed to say something about China, but I’m a little perplexed about Russia. Because Russia, of course, is large, but there is nowhere to put your fertilizers in it. Russia produces potassium no less than ours, and, at the end of last year, their stocks of potash fertilizers in warehouses amounted to 9.9 million tons. Where, one wonders, will they keep another Belarusian 10 million? And I, mind you, do not even ask: "Why?"

What the Belarusian authorities have achieved really noticeable success in is an asymmetric response. In the sense that everyone has already noticed it. Over the past couple of days, several dozen more illegal migrants have been detained at the Lithuanian border, so their total number has reached a historical maximum and, since the beginning of this year, has already doubled more than in the previous three years combined.

And here no one denies the merits of the Belarusian authorities, although, this glory is modestly denied. The Lithuanian Minister of Internal Affairs even calculated the cost of the migration package per displaced person. So, to the glory of the dashing air pirates, the authorities also gained the reputation of gallant smugglers.

Although, on the other hand, the reputation of the Belarusian authorities has already reached such negative values that it is difficult to damage it in any way. Well, they will add some border committee and a couple of companies from the field of organizing external tourism to the sanctions lists. Lithuania and Poland will infringe on the Belarusian transit, and the one that remains will be checked with even greater partiality. Well, this transit will stop traveling through the Belarusian territory, so as not to make problems out of nothing. You must agree that, against the background of the other brilliant foreign economic prospects that the Belarusian authorities have already managed to acquire for themselves, all this will not be particularly noticeable. And for Lithuania, the main consequence of this asymmetric response will, of course, be the receipt of a European grant to strengthen its borders.

However, the Belarusian authorities have long become bored with thinking about all these practical matters. It is much more pleasant to dream of something sublime (like about how all enemies will crawl to repent on their knees) than to count the losses.

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