27 September 2024, Friday, 1:47
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Bishop Yury Kasabutski Stood up for the White-Red-White Flag and the Anthem “Magutny Bozha”

Bishop Yury Kasabutski Stood up for the White-Red-White Flag and the Anthem “Magutny Bozha”
Bishop Yury Kasabutski
Photo: catholic.by

"Forgive them, Lord, for they do not know what they are doing."

Auxiliary Bishop of the Minsk-Mahiliou Archdiocese, Yury Kasabutski, commented on the Facebook article and cartoons of Catholic priests in the newspaper Minskaya Prauda, although, in his words, "such low-quality material should not deserve such attention."

“I have always opposed violence, torture, injustice, lies, repression. I will not change this view of mine, despite the threats, blackmail, and the like that I have to face. Also, such articles are not able to influence my worldview based on the Gospel,” the bishop said.

He stressed that "the white-red-white flag is a sign and symbol of the risen Christ in Christian symbolism, and this does not depend on the ideologues who today are looking for "arguments" against." Yury Kasabutski also noted that the hymn "Magutny Bozha" ("Mighty God") "has long become a part of our liturgy, because it is a prayer for our country and our people, and if modern ideologists do not like it, it is not a problem for the Church." At the same time, according to him, the church today does not use "this prayer so as not to irritate anyone."

"Such articles do not contribute to peace and harmony in our society... Forgive them, Lord, for they do not know what they are doing," concluded the bishop.

Let us remind you that the newspaper Minskaya Prauda, one of the founders of which is the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, published a caricature of Catholic priests on its front page. The Catholic Church did not appreciate the humor.

Catholic bishops hope that “the relevant state authorities will give a proper legal assessment of this cartoon and publication in the newspaper Minskaya Prauda, placed in No. 68 of September 7, 2021.

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