17 September 2024, Tuesday, 1:28
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Daria Losik Not Released After Three Days Of Detention

Daria Losik Not Released After Three Days Of Detention

She remains in pre-trial facility.

Daria Losik, wife of political prisoner Igor Losik, the creator of Belarus Golovnogo Mozga, hasn't been released three days after her detention, Radio Svaboda reports.

Daria was detained on October 18 within the criminal case. In the morning of October 21, Daria remained in custody in the detention center of Brest.

At present, her parents are collecting documents to get trusteeship over three-year-old daughter of the Losiks Paulina. She was with her mother at the moment of detention: law enforcers came at Daria's early in the morning, when she and her daughter were still asleep. They allowed her to call grandmother.

There is still no accurate information regarding the article Daria Losik is charged with. After her detention, law enforcers stated on one of their Telegram channels that Daria gave an interview to Belsat this April, despite the fact that the TV channel was recognized as an "extremist formation" back in November 2021. Such an interview, according to the authors of the post, may result in criminal liability under Article 361-4 of the Criminal Code on "assistance in extremist activities".

It is unknown whether Igor Losik already knows about his wife's detention; the family had no contact with him or any new letters since last week.

Igor Losik, creator of Belarus Golovnogo Mozga and adviser to Radio Svaboda, has been behind bars for almost 2.5 years - since June 25, 2020. In December 2021, he was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment under the Tikhanouski case.

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