1 September 2024, Sunday, 7:11
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Putin's Fellow Student Yuri Shvets Explained The Reasons For Militaries To Claim For The Kremlin's Head Resignation

Putin's Fellow Student Yuri Shvets Explained The Reasons For Militaries To Claim For The Kremlin's Head Resignation

Who is behind General Ivashov?

The startling appeal of the All-Russian Officers' Assembly to the head of the Kremlin, Putin with a petition demanding to abandon military provocations and to leave the post of head of state is a kind of the entire Russian officers' demarche. Yuri Shvets, former KGB intelligence officer and former Fellow Student of Putin, expressed his opinion on the air of his author's Youtube channel, writes Sobesednik.

In his opinion, the Chairman of the All-Russian Officers' Assembly, Colonel-General Leonid Ivashov, would hardly have dared to make such a resonant statement 'without support'. Shvets believes that Ivashov is acting as the voice of the Russian military, who are worried, that Russian leader Vladimir Putin will decide on rash actions that 'will lead to a terrible mistake'.

“He [Ivashov] addresses as a member or chairman of the Union of Officers (which, as I understand it, exists much more on paper). Nevertheless, he is still a Colonel-General. This is a person, who worked in the apparatus, the fact is highly important. He is an official, a skillful official who always knew in his life where the 'which way the wind blows' and whom to talk to and how to do it.

Now, in his old age, this person writes such a letter or, if you'd like, an appeal. Let me tell you: I saw these military men, our intelligence department even cooperated with them and ours were at all these negotiations on the reduction of strategic arms and so on and there was close cooperation.

I can't imagine that at such a mature age, in old age, Colonel-General Ivashov suddenly decided to take the path of the righteous and just take it and start to speak plainly. He could not do this without coverage, without feeling anyone behind him.

Therefore, I am inclined to consider this demarche as a kind of active undertaking: the voice of the military, who understands that the boss, the biggest boss, who recently arrived from Beijing, can make a terrible mistake, the whole country will have to pay for it. Therefore, they are making this demarche,” Shvets said.

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