28 March 2025, Friday, 7:09
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"Situation Is Not Easy": Omicron Rages In Dziarzhynsk District

"Situation Is Not Easy": Omicron Rages In Dziarzhynsk District

The story is told by the head doctor of the hospital.

As of early last week, more than 2,300 people, including about 200 children, were receiving outpatient treatment for coronavirus infection in Dziarzhynsk district. Chief physician of the local hospital, Ihar Shamal, told Dzr.by how medics are struggling with omicron.

Ihar Shamal characterized the situation with the disease as "not easy, but under control". The main burden fell on the outpatient and polyclinic units.

"The only encouraging factor is that Omicron has a milder pattern compared to other variants of COVID-19," said the chief physician. "Accordingly, the number of hospitalizations is much lower. Whereas in previous waves our infectious disease hospital had up to 180 beds, today we only need 55 (i.e. 35% of the maximum capacity of the hospital). There are fewer oxygen-dependent and heavy patients. Although, there are some of them, on average, 8 people are admitted to the intensive care unit every day. By the way, none of them have been vaccinated. So the facts speak for themselves: people who have had the disease, who have been vaccinated and timely revaccinated, go through the disease in the most mild way, and sometimes with practically no symptoms.

Against the background of the increase in COVID-19, medics note the activity of seasonal viruses and infections. Their clinical picture and treatment tactics are practically identical. In this regard, the chief physician said that today PCR-tests for covid are conducted only in severe situations requiring hospitalization of the patient. The exceptions are those who are admitted for treatment of other diseases on a routine basis to higher health care institutions.

"We understand people's concerns, but at the moment up to 10% of visits to polyclinics are related only to the desire to take a test to clarify whether there is covid," explains Ihar Shamal. "As a rule, such citizens do not need initial medical care. At the same time, the pharmacy network offers a wide range of testing systems similar to those that we use ourselves. And everyone can do such a test on their own".

We remind you that in early February, there was a sharp increase in the incidence of coronavirus infection in Belarus.

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