1 September 2024, Sunday, 7:13
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Russian Troops Suffered Huge Losses Over The Last Three Days: Operational Figures

Russian Troops Suffered Huge Losses Over The Last Three Days: Operational Figures

Almost 150 tanks and about 4,300 invader soldiers were destroyed.

The Russian military has suffered huge losses over the past three days. Both in military equipment and personnel. Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar reported operational data for February 24, 25 and 26.

It is reported by RBC-Ukraine with reference to her Facebook.

The total estimated losses of the enemy over the previous three days (24, 25, 26) of the aggressive war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.

Aircraft – 27

Helicopters – 26

Tanks – 146

Combat armoured vehicles – 536

Guns – 49

SAMS Buk – 1

SAMS Grad – 4

Military vehicles – 17

Tankers – 60


Ships/Boats – 2

Air Defence Weapons

Personnel approximately 4300 (to be specified)

The information is indicative and can be refined, since it is extremely difficult to obtain it after the battle, because the commanders are primarily focused on the conduct of the battle.

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