19 October 2024, Saturday, 7:30
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11th Day Of War: Russian Occupiers Suffer Huge Losses (online)

11th Day Of War: Russian Occupiers Suffer Huge Losses (online)

(This is a developing story, more to come) Kharkiv, Mariupol, Chernihiv, Mykolaiv.

For the eleventh day, Ukrainians courageously resist the Russian invasion. The troops and equipment of the Russian aggressor are trying to advance to the capital of Ukraine, but Kyiv is holding the line. Kharkiv, Mykolaiv, and Sumy remain under the control of Ukraine. Fighting with the occupier continues in the northern, northeastern, eastern and southern regions of the country. The Russian occupation forces continue to launch missile attacks against the residential buildings and the civilians of the country.

The Charter97.org website is covering the events of the eleventh day of the war live. You can see what was happening in Ukraine in the evening on March 4 in our previous online report.

A special broadcast of the Ukraine 24 TV channel

00:39 Ukrainian soldiers liquidated Safronov, the commander of the marines battalion of the occupants.

00:25 Zelensky has appropriated to the Ukrainian cities a special title of the Hero City.

00:23 Special forces of the Ukrainian police destroyed two tanks of Russians near Kyiv with RPGs.

00:10 A Ukrainian 11-year-old boy got from Zaporizhzhia to Slovakia by himself.

00:04 An active preparation for disconnection from the World Wide Web began in Russia.

00:00 Netflix suspends its work in Russia.

23:50 Today, the defenders of Mariupol destroyed 40 invaders, two were taken prisoner. Thus, the Ukrainian military battered 7 tanks, 5 armored personnel carriers, and 2 “Tigers” of the invaders.

23:36 Moscow TSUM after world brands left the market. They will be replaced by the fashionable robes of the upcoming GULAG and the products of the Bolshevichka factory.

23:25 Belarusians of Bialystok continue actions in support of Ukraine. They are packing things and medicines for the heroes of Ukraine.

23:10 Finnish chocolate and bakery manufacturer Fazer stops all activities in Russia. The company's enterprises employed 2,300 people.

23:01 People from all over the world help Ukrainians through Airbnb by booking apartments in Ukraine and paying for them. The founder of Airbnb, American Brian Chesky, wrote on March 4 that in two days people from all over the world had already sent almost $2 million to Ukrainians in this way.

22:55 During the 10 days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the 150th motorized rifle brigade of the Russian Federation lost at least 7 of its battalion tactical groups.

22:46 3,000 American veterans expressed their desire to fight for Ukraine as volunteers.

22:35 The Russian occupiers brought uniforms for the victory parade with them. Apparently, something went wrong.

22:25 15-year-old Ukrainian gymnast refused to share the same podium with the Russians at the World Cup. Daniela Batrona showed her civic position.

22:16 Tommy Hilfiger, Calvin Klein, Warner's closes its stores and stops all commercial operations in Russia and Belarus.

22:10 Well-known Ukrainian actor and TV presenter Pasha Li died under shelling in Irpin. He was only 33 years old. After the start of the Russian invasion, Li joined the ranks of the Territorial Defense.

22:00 TikTok also stops working in Russia.

21:55 The Ukrainian warriors have captured the Pantsir C1 missile system worth $ 20 million.

21:40 Warning horns are now heard in many cities of Ukraine. Residents are asked to immediately proceed to shelters and adhere to security measures during wartime.

21:37 Russia is preparing to disconnect from the global Internet. The Russian media posted the document. The era of Cheburnet is getting closer.

21:30 American Express also leaves Russia and Belarus. The company said it stops all operations.

21:23 During the evacuation from Irpin, Kyiv region, the Russian invaders engaged fire on civilians. Eight people were killed, the mayor said. According to him, the buses were fired at while crossing the bridge over Romanivka.

Markushin said that right before his eyes, as a result of a shell hit, a family of two adults and two children died. Photos (18+) can be viewed here.

21:11 Danone has announced the suspension of its investment projects in Russia.

21:01 Olena Zelensky has published the photos of the children killed by the occupiers’ shelling: “NATO countries! Close the airspace for the Russian aircraft at last! Save our children, so that yours will not die tomorrow!”

20:50 How Western technological sanctions will change Belarus.

20:40 This is how Odesa looks right now. Not a single enemy tank will pass. The SBU and local residents are ready to meet the invaders.

20:32 YouTube blocked the channel of the odious Belarusian propagandist Ryhor Azaronak. In the photo he is posing in his future apartment — the Akrestsin Street detention center.

20:26 The capital of Albania will rename the street where the Russian embassy is located into “Free Ukraine”. The mayor of Tirana believes that the new name will serve as a reminder for the staff of the Russian embassy.

20:19 The partisans of the Minsk microdistrict Chyzhouka are in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, who are now waging a heroic struggle against the Russian invaders.

20:11 Ukrainian air defense destroyed a Russian Su-25 fighter over Kharkiv. The details on the destroyed aircraft have been provided by the head of the Kharkiv regional administration: “The Su-25 was destroyed by a unit of the National Guard from an air defense system. The pilot did not have time to eject.”

20:00 The US has given “green lights” to NATO countries if they choose to provide fighter jets to Ukraine.

19:54 In the Mykolaiv region, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and local Territorial Defense units destroyed a transport convoy of the Russian fascists and a battery of 122 mm D-30 howitzers, which had already taken positions for opening fire.

19:45 Residents of Koydanava-Dziarzhynsk: Ukrainians are heroically fighting for our freedom!

19:40 Chernihiv is burying its residents, victims of the bombing of the city. On March 3, airstrikes on Chernihiv reportedly killed 47 civilians.

19:30 The Russian troops have damaged the Donetsk-Mariupol main gas pipeline; all populated areas located between Ugledar and Berdyansk remain without gas.

19:18 Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmihal signed an appeal to the G7 countries on the termination of the membership of Russia and Belarus in the International Monetary Fund and all organizations of the World Bank.

19:11 There are now 500 invaders at the nuclear power plant in Energodar, and another 1,000 in the city. The invaders use the captured Ukrainian nuclear power plants as military bases.

19:00 Since the beginning of Russia's attack on Ukraine, more than 140 thousand Ukrainians have returned home. Of these, 80% are men.

18:50 The Russians engaged fire on civilians during a rally in Nova Kakhovka. According to the advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Herashchenko, one person was wounded. The people are not afraid and do not disperse.

18:40 Putin's occupiers are “liberating” the village shop from food. The Russian fascists continue looting and robbery.

18:28 The church of the village of Bobryk in the Brovary district after being shelled by the Orthodox Russian occupiers.

18:20 Nvidia, the largest manufacturer of graphics processors has announced the termination of sales of all products to Russia. An Nvidia spokesperson clarified that the ban applies to all of the company's products.

18:13 The Russian “Tiger”, which has switched over to the light side of the force.

18:06 Homel residents stand against the war:

17:51 Legendary British singer Sting has expressed his support for Ukraine, and called to stop the war.

17:39 Unbelievable footage from Nova Kakhovka, which is currently under the Russian occupation.

17:35 Ukrainian media have published a video of the interrogation of a Russian tanker who had been taken prisoner. He says that many of his colleagues just ran away.

17:22 Ukrainian rock musician, frontman of the Okean Elzy band Svyatoslav Vakarchuk joined the ranks of the Territorial Defense forces of the Lviv region. This was announced on Facebook by the head of the Lviv Regional Territorial Center for Acquisition and Social Support Oleksandr Tishchenko.

17:03 A warning for the Russian troops has appeared in Zaporizhzhya..

17:02 A video of a protest action in Berdyansk occupied by the Russian troops has appeared.

16:57 Ukrainian deputies have joined the Territorial Defence and are now defending Kyiv with deadly force.

16:48 A Russian who served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs tore his passport and military ID. He decided to fight on the side of Ukraine.

16:22 In Henichevsk, where the Russian troops are standing, a peaceful rally in support of Ukraine is taking place.

16:18 Advisor to the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Herashchenko: The losses of the invaders are about 1,000 killed per day. The General Staff said that there are already 11 thousand dead.

That is, in ten days the Russian army has already lost almost as much as the USSR in Afghanistan in 10 years.

16:12 This is the airport in Vynnytsya, destroyed by Russian missiles.

15:51 The occupiers shelled the Kharkiv Institute, where a nuclear facility is located, with Grads. 37 nuclear fuel elements were loaded into the active zone of the facility.

15:43 Three enemy tanks, 4 infantry fighting vehicles, 2 Tigers and about 30 occupants were destroyed in the direction of Mariupol.

15:36 The Ukrainian old lady is preparing pies for the soldiers so that they have the strength to defend the Motherland.

15:31 A convoy of medical equipment is moving across Homel. Earlier it was reported that wounded Russian servicemen were being brought to the city.

15:29 8 missiles struck Vinnytsia, the airport was completely destroyed.

15:26 Volodymyr Zelensky addressed the Western leaders after Russian missiles struck the airport in Vinnytsia. He called for the immediate closure of the sky over Ukraine.

15:20 Speaker of the Operational Headquarters of the Odesa Regional Military Administration Serhi Bratchuk confirmed that the Ukrainian military shot down another enemy aircraft over the Black Sea.

15:11 Novooleksiivka right now. This is the final railway point on the administrative border with Crimea before the war.

14:54 Belarusians of Odesa come down on the side of Ukraine and appealed to their compatriots.

14:45 Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine: "Сitizens of 52 countries are coming to join the International Legion and to fight against the occupiers!" There are about 20,000 of them.

14:44 The village of Markhalivka in the Kyiv region. 54-year-old Ihor Mazhaev on the ruins of his house. He lost his wife and 12-year-old daughter.

14:39 The residents of Starobilsk are removing the flag of "LPR" and raising the Ukrainian flag.

14:34 The captured equipment of the enemy near Mykolaiv. The Grad MRLs were going to bomb residential areas.

14:28 The photo of the day from the city of Irpin in the Kyiv region. Ukrainian soldiers are evacuating children.

14:23 Mayor of Kyiv Klitschko: It is our fortress city, we are preparing gifts for the occupier, and it is not bread and salt!

14:21 This is what Russian military equipment looks like in the Kyiv region before and after the shelling.

14:14 Sabotage groups are being fought in all areas of the Kyiv region. The following are the most dangerous: Zhytomyr highway, Bucha-Irpin-Hostomel, Makariv, north of the Vyshhorod district.

14:12 A parade uniform of Russian soldiers was found in the garage in Irpin. The Kremlin was preparing for the parade, but something went wrong.

14:11 In the village of Troitskoye, which is located in the Luhansk region, local residents do not allow Russian occupiers.

14:06 Another aircraft shot down near Kharkiv. They're looking for the pilot.

13:59 There is a video of Russian occupiers firing on the civilians in Irpin.

13:51 Mayor of Mykolaiv boasted the trophy Russian "Tiger".

13:46 The Ukrainian Railways withdraws refrigerated wagons previously allocated for collection of the dead Russian soldiers' remains due to the decision of the Russian Federation not to take bodies.

13:39 Protest in Kherson today. The occupied city continues to struggle.

13:36 Belarusian volunteers: There will be no Belarus If Ukraine falls.

13:32 In the video, a Russian invader from North Ossetia calls his girlfriend from Ukrainian Berdychiv on the phone and... says that he surrendered as she advised him.

13:29 Work of Kharkiv's partisans. Military vehicles will never get through.

13:22 Advisor to the Office of President Olexei Arestovich: "The active phase can last another 7-10 days, but in 2-3 days, we will understand more details about the future of the war."

13:20 Address of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky: "We've been fighting for 11 days. For freedom. For the state. We've managed to stand. We understand how we will rebuild our country."

13:15 Former British Royal Marines arrived in Ukraine to protect the Ukrainian people from the invaders.

13:10 Head of the National Security and Defense Council Oleksiy Danilov: We've managed to withstand the first, the most severe raid by the Russian Orcs. "The myth of the most modern and powerful Putin's army in the world has been destroyed and burned on the roads of the Kyiv and Kharkiv regions, Chernihiv and Mykolaiv regions. The Russian terrorist forces have not achieved strategic success in any area."

12:59 The command of the Russian occupation forces issued the order on withdrawal of the soldiers' documents. It is also ordered to secretly evacuate the bodies of the dead to the points of permanent deployment or to destroy them in case of impossibility.

12:52 The Ukrainian old lady in Nova Kakhovka clearly showed what that "dirty broom" looks like, which needs to drive the occupiers away.

12:49 Mothers of Russian soldiers are on edge. The governor of the Kemerovo region tries to justify the war in Ukraine on the video.

12:35 The inhabitants of Nova Kakhovka came out against the Russian occupiers. Residents of the city in the Kherson region called on the Russian troops to get out of the city.

12:26 A Russian Tor-M1 is burning near Brovary. Beware, obscene language.

12:20 Head of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Oleksi Reznikov: "Today, Ukraine continues to stand up for the freedom of the whole world: Ukrainian children and women save your children and women at the cost of their own lives, while you doubt closing the sky. Our men save yours at the cost of their lives. As long as you're afraid to close the sky. We stopped to fear the artificially created image of “great Russia” a long time ago. And the entire world must stop doing this!"

12:15 A number of Russian soldiers were destroyed near Mykolaiv. They had been serving in AFU until 2014, and then they betrayed Ukraine.

12:05 Mayor of Mykolaiv Vitaly Kim: "According to intelligence, the enemy is demoralized, now is the best moment for a counter-offensive. They have a problem with fuel. Don't give them fuel.

11:59 Special services detained members of the enemy subversive intelligence group in the Donetsk region. The group arrived from the territory of Crimea, captured by the Russian Federation, a day before the full-scale invasion.

11:51 Russian troops continue the occupation of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station. There are 2 power units in the network. One unit is under repair, the others are stopped.

11:48 Russian troops opened fire on civilians during the evacuation in Irpin, they are dead.

According to the correspondent of "Radio Svaboda", at least three people were killed, including two children, and one more person has been seriously wounded.

11:45 Ukrainian journalist Yury Butusov told about the captured Russian Pantsir-S1 missile system.

11:42 Ukrainian soldier told about the battles for Irpin: There was a fight. We stopped the convoy together with shooters. The armored personnel carrier was burning, the Russians ran out and took positions. They almost didn't shoot, they were scared.

A brave and beautiful grenade launcher died. The body was carried away with a sniper’s bloodstained bullet in the head.

I do not know what's ahead. Nevertheless, I know with whom. This gives confidence.

11:33 Mayor of Chernihiv: "It is necessary to send the investigators from the Hague to our city immediately, there is a real genocide taking place here. Pilots are just soulless scums and fascists. They dropped bombs from low altitudes in conditions of good visibility (during the daytime). They saw perfectly well where they dropped huge bombs – on the residential neighborhood. Several residential buildings were destroyed near Chornovola Street. Thousands of apartments were damaged there.

11:25 Such videos are often on Ukrainian social media. There are entire convoys of destroyed Russian military equipment. Also, the occupier has got problems with the supply of fuel. Their vehicles are stalling and the soldiers are scattering.

11:20 Convenient infographics about combat losses of the enemy in Ukraine. Russia suffers casualties, the Russian Federation was hoping for a blitzkrieg but the plan has failed.

11:13 Ukrainian media reported about the resignation of the chief of the General Staff of Belarus. The information is being verified.

11:04 What weapons does Ukraine have and what are the weapons capable of? A special video.

10:55 There is a story on social media about how the occupiers got stuck in the elevator. Ukrainians simply stopped it.

10:46 The Russian National Guard's convoy was defeated near Kharkiv. The vehicles had been transporting shields, helmets and batons.

10:41 Russian occupiers captured near Irpin. They are telling an old tale about a "trip to exercises".

10:27 The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine published a report on the losses of the Russian occupiers. More than 11,000 dead.

10:26 Ukrainian biathlete Bogdan Tsymbalv in the basement of his own house with his little son.

10:18 Market in Kharkiv this morning. Scary footage.

10:15 Ukrainian fighters captured the military equipment of the 200th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Federation near Kharkiv.

The enemy was defeated to the west of the city. Three BM-21 Grad multiple rocket launcher systems and two 152mm Akatsiya self-moving artillery systems were captured near Kharkiv by one of the AFU brigades.

10:09 According to CNN, the United States is discussing with Poland the possibility of providing fighters to Ukraine.

10:08 Ukrainian military captured Russian Major Dmitry Shishkanov. Previously, he served in the Ukrainian Armed Forces and changed his oath in 2014.

09:58 The Ukrainian military liquidated the entire division of the Russian Federation in the Mykolaiv region. Fighters of the AFU got rich trophies.

09:47 Russian troops are demoralized and evade direct fire contact with the Ukrainian military.

This is stated in the operational report on the situation on the fronts on the morning of March 6.

09:31 The occupiers launched a missile attack against Kharkiv again. A high-rise building caught fire in the city.

09:27 Subdivisions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine blocked convoys of the Russian occupiers trying to advance towards the Dnipropetrovsk region from Balakliia.

This is stated in the summary of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 6 a.m., March 6, 2022, nv.ua reported.

"The enemy tries not to lose offensive potential, but in the current situation has large losses of weapons, equipment and personnel. The enemy is demoralized due to the resistance of the entire Ukrainian people,” the General Staff added.

09:20 The Armed Forces of Ukraine showed the moment of the strike by Ukrainian soldiers on the tank of the Russian Federation.

08:58 The Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed from the air a column of Russian military equipment near Irpin.

Occupiers planned to surround Kyiv, but they were destroyed.

08:47 On Sunday, March 6, there was a powerful explosion in Kyiv.

According to preliminary information, it was the missile that was shot down by the Ukrainian air defense.

08:37 The head of the Mykolaiv Regional State Administration declared that the Russian occupiers have no resources to occupy the Ukrainian cities.

“I have an idea. Judging by what occurred in Kherson and in Energodar, the enemy simply has no resources to occupy the cities. This requires administrative staff, a fictitious referendum, and so on. It seems that they understand that they have no chancesб any referendums at gunpoint in Ukraine are impossible," Kim declared.

08:34 Russian troops drop powerful weapons of indiscriminate action on the residential buildings in Chernihiv, unguided FAB-500 bombs. Usually, such weapons are used against military-industrial facilities and fortifications.

08:31 Hospitals in a number of cities in the Russian-occupied Crimea are overcrowded with wounded servicemen of the Russian army. There are about 1000—1500 wounded in the cities of Armiansk, Krasnoperekopsk and Dzhankoi.

08:30 The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation instructed them to withdraw soldiers' documents and to bury them in mass graves. The bodies are ordered to be removed only at night.

08:29 Belarusian volunteers, who are now fighting for Ukraine, call on real men to join them.

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