28 June 2024, Friday, 20:03
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Patriotic War Of Ukrainian People Day 46

Patriotic War Of Ukrainian People Day 46

Russians were defeated near Kyiv. Battles are being waged in the east and south of Ukraine.

Ukraine is heroically fighting for its freedom. Russia is preparing for a massive offensive against Donbas. The heroic defence of Mariupol continues. Ukrainian troops manage to deliver positional counterattacks in the Kherson, Mykolaiv and Kharkiv regions.

The Charter97.org broadcasts the 46th day of the war online. You can see the developments in Ukraine on April 9 in our previous online broadcast.

Ukraine 24 TV channel special broadcast

23:50 Address by Volodymyr Zelensky:

23:38 Ukrainian defenders shot down a Russian drone and were amazed by the "technical solutions" of the Russian occupiers.

23:25 NSDC Secretary Oleksiy Danilov said that not all visits of foreign guests to Ukraine become public. For example, recently the former US Secretary of Defense secretly visited the country. This is how he explained, among other things, the unexpected visit of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson:

"There are people who visit our capital. This happens almost every day. We have many friends who support us. But not all of them are public, not all of them appear on television and in the media. There are consultations, meetings."

23:10 There is no calm in Ukraine now, there is no stabilization, the Russian army is trying to fulfill the minimum plan — to capture the east of Ukraine.

This was stated by Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine Hanna Malyar. According to her, the main goal of the enemy is the whole of Ukraine.

22:56 "Why did you want to live better than us ?!" the phrase of the occupying soldier, uttered in Motyzhin, as the quintessence of Putin's policy towards all the neighbors of the Russian Federation.

22:45 Priests of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate decided to appeal to the Ecumenical Council of the Ancient Eastern Churches with a lawsuit against the Russian Patriarch Kirill.

22:33 In the Kyiv region, the military identified another downed Russian Mi-8 helicopter. Burnt skeletons of Russian pilots were also found among the wreckage.

22:26 On the night of Monday to Tuesday, the cards of some Belarusian banks may not work, according to the Bank Processing Center.

22:15 The pursuit of the "LPR military commissariat" after a potential conscript who does not want to go to fight with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Luhansk, Mirny district.

22:04 A little girl from Mariupol talks about the events she went through in her hometown before the evacuation.

21:56 The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine announced 20,000 destroyed Russian soldiers.

21:45 The current French President Emmanuel Macron won the first round of elections, which took place today. Ahead is the 2nd round, as a result of which the name of the new head of state will be known.

21:38 Lukashenka endangers the lives of 20,000 Belarusians in Ukraine.

21:30 Russia has collected at least 32 Su-27 fighters, as well as several Il-76 and other aircraft at a military airfield in Voronezh. This is evidenced by satellite images from Planet Labs dated April 9.

21:21 In Lithuania, exercises will be organized for the Ukrainian military. The Lithuanian military will share their experience with special equipment, technologies and weapons with the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

21:11 The number of victims of a missile attack on the railway station in Kramatorsk amounted to 57 people, another 109 were injured. This was announced by the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Pavlo Kirilenko.

21:01 A Russian prisoner had an embarrassing incident during a phone call to his wife.

20:55 The AFU destroyed another tank of Russian invaders. An accurate shot from an anti-tank system turned the equipment into scrap metal.

20:42 After the announcement that the Danish network JYSK is suspending its work in Belarus, all the shops of this brand have been in a frenzy. This is a report from Hrodna JYSK.

20:34 The "Archangels of Michael" battalion seized brand-new equipment from the Kadyrovites.

20:27 This is Borodyanka on the fifth day of emergency work.

20:17 Belarusians in Warsaw held a rally in support of Ukraine.

20:06 Polish President Andrzej Duda assured that his country will make every effort to punish as soon as possible all those involved in war crimes of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine.

19:55 The UK has provided Ukraine with generators that will become a backup power source in the event of a power outage due to enemy shelling of electrical networks and equipment.

19:48 Poland sent the first batch of T-72 tanks to Ukraine in the amount of 100 units.

19:42 The head of the tribunal over former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic, Sir Jeffrey Nice, explained why it is necessary to exclude Russia from the UN Security Council, or at least deprive it of its veto right.

"A very important step that needs to be taken is to remove Russia from the Security Council, or remove its veto power, or in any other way, remove its ability to prevent its own trial. This right, just think about it, is equivalent to giving Hitler in 1944 the right to veto the decision of who will be tried at Nuremberg in 1946," Nice said.

19:35 The Russian fascists were blown up with "fireworks": the Armed Forces of Ukraine showed vivid footage of the destruction of the enemy.


19:29 The occupation administration of certain districts of the Donetsk region has banned the work of the OSCE special monitoring mission. Members of the mission must leave this territory before April 30 and take out the property of the organization.

19:20 Ukraine witnesses a new wave of evacuation from the east. Ukrzaliznytsia notes that the enemy is blowing up bridges, roads and train stations, but the evacuation continues.

19:12 Ukrainian paratroopers destroyed enemy equipment using Stugna anti-tank systems. The fighters managed to destroy three units of the occupier's equipment.

19:01 How the Belarusian car market reacts to the offers of migrants.

18:46 Nitric acid is on fire in the Ukrainian city of Rubizhne. The invaders repeatedly fired at the tanks with it.

18:32 The second largest Russian bank VTB will not be able to influence the activities of its subsidiary VTB Bank SE, registered in Germany. This decision was announced by the German banking regulator.

Now the Russian bank is deprived of "the use of the right to vote" in decision-making by the management of VTB Bank SE, and its management now has a ban on "compliance with directives" from the Russian Federation.

18:24 The consequences of the shelling of the Dnipro airport by the invaders. The details have been provided by the State Emergency Service of Ukraine:

18:16 Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on Sunday that Russia's initial plan to invade Ukraine had "failed." When asked to comment on the appointment of Russian army general Alexander Dvornikov to lead the war in Ukraine, Kuleba said: "Now they have another plan, but we have our own plans."

"Whatever Russia plans, we have our own strategy, and this strategy is based on the assumption that we are confident that we will win this war and liberate our territories," Kuleba said in an interview with NBC.

18:03 Rescuers showed terrible finds found on the Golden Coast city beach in Chernihiv, among them — 6 missiles from the Uragan multiple launch rocket system.

17:52 Italy announced plans to replace Russian gas with Algerian gas. "An important gas deal in Algeria will allow us to respond to possible Russian blackmail," said Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio.

The diplomat noted that over the past month and a half he has also visited Qatar, Congo, Mozambique, Angola and Azerbaijan, whose authorities have declared their readiness to increase fuel supplies to Italy.

17:43 Konstantin Goldman was detained in Moscow. The man went to Red Square with the book "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy. Now he is at the police station.

17:35 Turkey will continue to block the passage to the Black Sea for Russian warships. The country is going to continue to act within the framework of the Montreux Convention, as announced by Defense Minister Hulusi Akar.

The Montreux Convention was adopted in 1936. It allows Turkey to block the Bosporus and Dardanelles for warships of countries that are at war. Thanks to this, ships will not be able to pass from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea. Turkey began to act, according to the Montreux Convention, on February 26.

17:28 Head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen, speaking about the prospects for Ukraine's accession to the EU, said that "the process takes years, but in an extraordinary situation we must be ready for non-standard steps."

17:20 Internationalist legionnaires from the Netherlands share footage from the front.

17:14 A toy covered with blood from Kramatorsk will be sent to the UN as evidence of the crimes of the occupiers. The video was published by Oleksiy Beloshitsky, First Deputy Head of the Patrol Police Department of Ukraine.

17:07 This is how the map of bans and restrictions on visiting forests in Belarus looks like now.

17:00 Combat work of the team of the 30th separate mechanized brigade named after Prince Konstantin Ostrozhsky.

16:52 The AFU shot down a Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber. The enemy plane tried to attack Mykolaiv. The approximate cost of such a bomber is $36 million.

16:45 Horenka, Kyiv region, destroyed by the invaders.

16:40 This is what a Ukrainian house looks like after the Russian occupiers have lived in it. They made such a dump in it that there is nowhere to set foot. Here is their true face.

16:34 Zelensky paid tribute to the representatives of the Polish elite in memory of those killed in a plane crash near Smolensk, and expressed solidarity with Polish partners who, along with Ukraine, are counteracting Russian aggression.

16:27 Latvia has turned around 152 trucks from Russia and Belarus on the border. Since April 9, sanctions have come into force, according to which trucks with Russian and Belarusian license plates are prohibited from crossing the borders of the European Union.

16:20 The most incredible cases of the struggle of civilians of Ukraine with the enemy are collected in the video below:

16:14 It became known about the heroic deed of a senior officer of the border troops in Mariupol, which continues to block the Russian occupation forces.

16:07 The 30th Separate Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine showed how it destroys the equipment of the Russian invaders. As a result of an accurate hit, 2 T-72 tanks and 3 armored personnel carriers of the enemy were eliminated.

15:54 "The most terrible thing was to see the children killed." Eyewitnesses of the brutal attack on Kramatorsk on April 8 told what happened in this hell.

15:49 The Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada for Human Rights Lyudmila Denysova unveiled the monstrous facts of torture, bullying and rape by the occupiers against civilians in Ukraine.

15:46 The occupiers destroyed and plundered the theological seminary in Vorzel, and in Irpin they burned hundreds of copies of the Bible.

15:38 Russia has already lost 30 combat tactical groups in Ukraine.

15:24 The abandoned military equipment of Russian occupiers. Russian soldiers abandoned it and fled.

15:23 The Dnipro airport and all the infrastructure next to it are completely destroyed.

15:15 Julian Lennon, John Lennon's son, did not accept promised funding and sang his father's "Imagine" at a charity concert in support of Ukraine.

Earlier, he promised that he would perform this song only in case of the end of the world.

15:04 Belarusian police fired at a Russian military off-roader. It happened near Rechytsa.

14:55 According to the UN, the number of refugees from Ukraine has exceeded four and a half million.

14:52 Serhiy Haidai, the head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration, described a possible variant of a battle for Donbas.

“I think that there will be something like this: around 3-4 in the morning, massive shelling will begin.

Mortars of heavy and large calibres, artillery, aviation, MLRS, Grad, Smerch, Uragan, Tochka-U will be involved. They will use everything they have.

This will last for several hours precisely on the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, and then they will go on the offensive with a huge number of tanks, and infantry,” he described a possible scenario.

14:47 Oleg Orlov, head of the Memorial Russian Human Rights Centre, was detained with a poster on Red Square.

14:44 According to Taras Didych, the head of the Dmitriv Territorial Community, a mass grave was found in the village of Buzova, Kyiv region, after the occupiers left. Dozens of local residents were buried there.

14:38 Viktor Bernov, the intelligence officer without two legs, the veteran of the Anti-Terrorist Operation, is serving at a checkpoint after being rejected by the military registration and enlistment office.

14:37 Ukrayinska Pravda says that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has been offered asylum in one of the Western capitals but relied on his own security system and set up his headquarters in a secret Kyiv bunker that has remained in Ukraine since Soviet times and is designed to survive in conditions of the Total Nuclear War. This choice of the president's workplace is more than logical.

14:32 Slovak media reports that Slovakia may transfer MiG-29 fighters and Zuzana howitzers to Ukraine.

14:29 The Kharkiv Territorial Defence is mastering the Swedish Carl Gustaf M4 anti-tank weapons. A 12-kilometer column of Russian troops was spotted on the approaches to the city. The new weapon will be used soon.

14:24 Pope Francis has called for a ceasefire for Easter in Ukraine. Catholics will celebrate Easter next week.

14:17 Russian company destroyed by Ukrainian artillerymen.

14:08 "What is there, is it possible to clean up someone, some gold there, money or something to steal there?» The Security Service of Ukraine publishes the interception of the conversation of Russian looting troops.

14:05 The map of the battle for Ukraine. The infographics were provided by British intelligence.

14:01 There are several spies in the leadership of Putin's Russia because only they can destroy their aircraft in this way.

This was reported by Oleksei Arestovich, the advisor to the Head of the President's Office.

13:57 The 30th Mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine showed the destruction of the Russian military equipment.

13:51 Bodies are still being removed from mass graves and buried in a cemetery in Bucha.

13:42 A 70-year-old pensioner from the Rivne region complained to the Regional Military Administration about the military registration and enlistment office. The office refused to accept him into the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

13:37 Kherson is now under the control of the Russian army. Local residents again came out to protest in support of Ukraine.

13:31 The Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down a Russian Su-34 fighter that was trying to attack Mykolaiv.

13:28 Today in Mariupol, one of the senior officers of the border troops, being wounded and surrounded by enemies, blew himself up along with the radio station so that it would not get to the enemy.

13:23 Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland have joined export controls to isolate Belarus and Russia.

13:21 Ukrainian fighters showed how they managed to capture a Russian pilot. The Russian soldier bombed children in Syria for several years. Then he began to bomb the children of Ukraine.

13:18 Ukrainian artillerymen destroyed two enemy checkpoints and a warehouse with ammunition. A Border Guards' drone helped to locate them.

13:05 The Armed Forces of Ukraine liquidated a number of Russian officers.

12:58 The Armed Forces of Ukraine showed another trophy — the destroyed drone Orion.

12:49 Ukrainian soldiers voluntarily engage in a campaign against illiteracy among Russian prisoners of war. They are helping Russian Aleksandr learn the history of Russia.

12:40 This is what the everyday life of Ukrainian soldiers from the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade looks like.

12:35 The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports that sowing has already begun in the liberated Chernihiv region.

12:33 The Russian drone Orlan was shot down by Ukrainian paratroopers.

12:32 Ex-People's Deputy of the Ukrainian Rada Tatsiana Chernovol now defends the homeland as an ATMs Stugna operator.

12:24 Sky News reports citing Ukrainian Prosecutor General Iryna Venediktova that Ukraine has identified 500 war crimes suspects.

12:22 The famous rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers supported Ukraine.

12:11 Russians intensify mobilization in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine (ORDLO). They recruit even people disabled since childhood and employees of the “strategic enterprises”.

12:07 The Security Service of Ukraine publishes an interrogation of a lieutenant of the Russian army. He advised his compatriots not to come to Ukraine.

12:00 A 20-year-old Ukrainian tank crewman destroyed 2 tanks and three BMP armoured personnel carriers of the Russian Federation. Journalist Yury Butusov talked about his feat.

11:57 Russian occupiers undermine washing machines in Ukrainian houses before leaving.

11:53 The Ukrainian military tells how the process of identifying and sending home the bodies of Russian invaders is going on. Note that the army of the Russian Federation simply abandons many of its killed comrades.

11:50 This is a modernized T-82 tank captured from Putin's army. It is fighting on the side of Ukraine now.

11:45 Russian vehicles scatter across the Ukrainian field after an aimed strike by the Armed Forces of Ukraine fighters.

11:38 Ukrainian volunteers defeated the Russian occupiers.

11:34 Ukrainian fighters turn the equipment of the occupiers into piles of metal. This is largely due to Western weapons, which give superiority on the battlefield.

11:28 NATO is going to teach the Ukrainian military abroad to maintain and use modern weapons of the North Atlantic Alliance.

11:23 The Kadyrovites steal bicycles from Ukrainian houses and even brag about it.

11:21 Israel has launched a humanitarian air bridge to Ukraine. The Ambassador of Israel to Ukraine Michael Brodsky announced this.

11:14 This is what Borodianka near Kyiv looks like after the attack of Putin's troops.

11:07 This is a Belarusian machine gunner from the Kastus Kalinouski Battalion.

11:02 This is what the "warm welcome" given to the occupiers by the 53rd Volodymyr Monomakh Mechanized Brigade looks like.

11:01 In the Luhansk region, border guards repulsed an enemy attack and captured an artilleryman.

11:00 A resident of Chernihiv told how he managed to survive under Russian bombing.

10:50 Ukrainian fighters destroyed a warehouse with Russian ammunition, which is located in Novomayorske, Donetsk region.

10:39 The Armed Forces of Ukraine showed a Starstreak man-portable air-defence system strike on a Russian Orlan drone.

10:38 More than 19,300 occupiers killed. The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has updated the statistics of losses of the Russian army in Ukraine.

10:34 Another fun fact about the "Ukrainian intelligence officer captured by the Kadyrovites" (actually a homeless man). They painted a bat tattoo for the production on his body, but it is a symbol of Russian intelligence. Probably, the Kadyrovites forgot (or did not know) that the symbol of the Ukrainian Defence Intelligence is an owl.

10:24 The Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down two Russian drones in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

10:21 Italy has agreed with Algeria to replace Russian gas.

10:19 The Armed Forces of Ukraine congratulate the army of the Russian Federation on the Air Defense Forces Day. The photo shows the captured equipment of the occupiers.

10:15 The Army of the Russian Federation is a major supplier for the military of Ukraine: The Armed Forces of Ukraine captured more than 1,000 units of enemy equipment.

10:09 A satellite fixed a 12-kilometre military column of the Russian Federation in the Kharkiv direction. The occupiers do not leave the hope to take the city.

9:59 The occupiers falsify data on their military successes in order to receive cash payments. Listen to the conversation intercepted by the Security Service of Ukraine:

— The commander filed documents stating that I allegedly knocked out a tank., f**k.

— What about reality?

— What tank?! Where am I going to get it, f**k? There is a payment for this ...

— How much?

— One hundred!

— Oh, f**k!

9:55 Ukrainian Energy Minister Herman Galushchenko said after a trip to the exclusion zone that the Russian soldiers who were in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant will live for a maximum of a year because they received large doses of radiation. Their military equipment is also infected.

9:54 Poland will ban gas and coal supplies from Russia at the official level, a decision will be made within the coming months.

9:49 Ukrainian fighters showed an abandoned Russian tank and a Tor air defence system.

9:46 Thirteen air targets were hit by the Armed Forces of Ukraine the day before.

On April 9, the Air Forces, the Ground Forces and the Air Assault Forces hit at least 13 air targets of the Russian occupiers. Russia's losses over the last day:

three aircraft;

one helicopter;

five unmanned aerial vehicles;

four cruise missiles.

9:39 Graffiti dedicated to Belarusians who defend Ukraine appeared in Odesa. There is a Belarusian Territorial Defence detachment in the city itself.

9:23 The Ukrainian army showed the defeated military equipment of the Russian paratroopers.

9:21 Ukrainian defenders showed captured enemy's Grad and trucks.

9:13 Ex-head of Donetsk terrorists Girkin said that the Russian offensive in the Donbas has already failed.

9:11 The Armed Forces of Ukraine showed the results of the 24th King Daniel Mechanised Brigade.

9:09 There is a video of the liberation of Irpin from bicycles by the Russian army.

9:08 The Ukrainian military has been defending the besieged Mariupol for 45 days, despite the fact that textbooks say that in such conditions you can hold out for no more than a week.

9:07 The Donbas terrorists have banned the work of the OSCE on their territory.

8:55 Putin's friend, former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, says Russia cannot deny its responsibility in the face of the horror of mass killings of civilians in Bucha and other Ukrainian towns.

8:49 British intelligence reports that in response to mounting losses, the Russian armed forces seek to bolster troop numbers with personnel discharged from military service since 2012. Efforts to generate more fighting power also include trying to recruit from the unrecognised Transnistria region of Moldova.

8:46 The occupiers have killed 177 children in Ukraine since the beginning of the full-scale war. More than 336 Ukrainian children were injured.

8:35 Russian occupiers are stubbornly trying to take control of the village of Oleksandrivka. However, the assault on the South Bug's direction again did not give the enemy the desired result.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that during the last offensive, the enemy lost almost a company of tactical group personnel.

8:30 The enemy is trying to break through the defences of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Izyum and establish full control over the city of Mariupol. Also, according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the occupiers are trying to improve the tactical position of their units in the Mykolaiv direction.

8:23 Occupiers from different parts of the Russian Federation are dying in Ukraine. It is reported about the liquidation of 22-year-old Wiener Saifullin from Bashkiria.

8:14 Russian occupiers began dropping parachute bombs on Kharkiv. The Defence Express publication writes that these are the 9M55K cluster munitions.

8:13 S&P downgraded Russia's foreign currency rating to "selective default".

8:12 NATO wants to strengthen its permanent military presence on its border, writes The Telegraph.

8:07 A Russian tank and an enemy repair vehicle were destroyed in the Zaporizhzhia region.

8:04 The Armed Forces of Ukraine conducted a strike against concentrations of the forces of the Russian occupiers in Melitopol. It is reported that this is the fifth blow to the Russian troops in this city. Melitopol becomes a new Chornobayivka.

8:01 The Kadyrov Theatre continues to delight us with new arrangements. This time, the role of a "captured Ukrainian intelligence officer" was played by a homeless man from Mariupol.

8:00 Western intelligence learned about Russia's intentions to invade Ukraine in the summer of 2021.

At the same time, satellite images indicated that Russia was planning a massive operation a year ago, but then analysts had little understanding of the Kremlin's intentions.

23:55 The soldiers of the Joint Forces Operations have successfully repulsed 8 enemy attacks over the past 24 hours.

The Ukrainian defenders destroyed

four tanks, eight armoured units and seven units of enemy vehicles.

Air defence units shot down 1 aircraft; 1 helicopter; 4 unmanned aerial vehicles; 3 enemy cruise missiles in the sky over the Ukrainian city of Donbas.

23:41 Ukraine has imposed a trade embargo against Russia. The import of goods from the Russian Federation into the customs territory of Ukraine is prohibited, said Taras Melnichuk, a representative of the government in the Verkhovna Rada.

23:30 The Ukrainian defenders destroyed the Russian howitzer 2S3 "Akatsiya" in the Chernihiv region.

23:16 What the consequences of the withdrawal of Western brands from Belarus will be?

23:05 Nevzorov points out the main difference between Ukrainians and Russians.

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