27 July 2024, Saturday, 15:34
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Garry Kasparov: Putin Will Die At Hands Of His Entourage

Garry Kasparov: Putin Will Die At Hands Of His Entourage
Garry Kasparov

Ukraine will bury him politically and then physically.

Russian chess player and politician Garry Kasparov, the 13th world chess champion, said in an interview with Dmitry Gordon, founder of the Internet publication gordonua.com, that Russian President Vladimir Putin will be liquidated by his entourage.

"It seems obvious to me: he won't die in his own bed. Well, unless he is poisoned in his own bed. I think his fate is sealed. And I believe it will almost certainly be his entourage after all, when the situation becomes critical. That is, the likelihood of this seems to me the greatest of the other options. Because there is no life for Putin outside of this endless power," said Kasparov.

He believes that Putin's power rests on his "aura of invincibility and impunity."

"The war in Ukraine will put an end to that aura. And further on, it seems to me, history will not invent anything new again. This is actually a collapse of statehood and a search for a scapegoat, which traditionally happens to be the dictator. I do not know how it will be done. Let them sort it out between themselves. But it is quite obvious that Ukraine will bury Putin first politically and then physically," Kasparov concluded.

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