27 June 2024, Thursday, 18:43
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Four Russian Governors Announce Their Resignations On The Same Day

Four Russian Governors Announce Their Resignations On The Same Day

Everyone has pretty much the same explanation.

Four Russian governors announced their resignations in one day. The heads of the Kirov, Tomsk, Ryazan and Saratov regions are leaving their posts, writes meduza.io. Everyone has pretty much the same explanation.

The head of the Tomsk region, Sergei Zhvachkin, announced that he was leaving the post of governor of the region. His appeal was published on May 10 on the website of the administration. According to the law, the maximum duration of work as the head of the region is limited to two terms, and, according to Zhvachkin, he is "used to observe the laws " and "hold on the chair."

Following him, the decision to step down was announced by the head of the Kirov region, Igor Vasiliev. The explanation is the same — "because of the approaching end of the term".

Governor of the Saratov region Valery Radaev announced his resignation. He served as the head of the region for 10 years. According to him, he decided to "get out of active duty prematurely", and not to be nominated for the next term.

Nikolai Lyubimov, the governor of the Ryazan region, made a quite similar statement. He stated that he would not be nominated for the post of head of the region for the next term. He served as governor of the Ryazan region for five years.

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