1 September 2024, Sunday, 4:59
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Ukraine Arranged Deliveries By Rail To Lithuania, Bypassing Belarus

Ukraine Arranged Deliveries By Rail To Lithuania, Bypassing Belarus

The first 50 containers have arrived today.

This is reported by the Ministry of Transport of Lithuania.

Earlier the European Commission approved a plan to help Ukraine export at least 20 million tons of grain by July. The option of delivering grain via Belarus has been turned down. The European Commission has said it is necessary to create logistical corridors and increase the capacity of sea ports in order to help Ukraine export grain.

Earlier, Lithuanian Transport Minister Marius Skuodis said there were only two real ways to export grain from Ukraine: to unblock Ukrainian ports with the help of international structures or to create a humanitarian corridor for cargo delivery via Belarus.

Skuodis proposed to use the existing infrastructure, which is the transportation of grain through Belarus, which would make it possible to use all the capacities of the Klaipeda port, as well as those of the ports of Latvia and Estonia. But now it seems to have lost its relevance.

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