27 July 2024, Saturday, 15:41
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Charter 97!

Copy-Center Owner Detained In Orsha For Yellow-Blue Badges

Copy-Center Owner Detained In Orsha For Yellow-Blue Badges

Dzianis Simanovich was arrested for 10 days.

In Orsha, the owner of the local copy-center was detained for yellow-blue badges, according to the Human Rights Center Viasna.

The Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption (GUBOPiK) officers came to the copy-center for Dzianis Simanovich, the resident of Orsha, last month. They drew attention to several badges depicting a yellow field and a blue sky. Dzianis also managed to give such souvenirs to some of his acquaintances. Simanovich was interrogated and released.

And on April 29, the man was again invited to a “conversation”, and he stayed there. Denis managed to call his relatives and said that he was arrested for 10 days, allegedly for protests.

At the same time, GUBOPiK officers continue to visit the copy-center: they are collecting information on what products are produced there and what exactly they sell to people.

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